As it turns out, Pink was actually Mpenguin123, another ex-UMA Leader.  I made a comment to Shab that Pink’s grammar was as bad as Mp’s and Shab was ALL OVER IT.

I guess all it takes is a little bit of pressure to force the truth out xP

ACP and the Nachos have both pulled out of the war as well.

Ownage by Shab!


30 Responses

  1. lol and first xP

  2. cool

  3. My team has been watching you….We want a battle.Your team(ACP)vs us(The Shadow Force.TSF)on December 3rd,at 6:00 Eastern Standard Time.It will be held at Fjord,at the Snow forts.

  4. PS:Here is our site:

  5. wow good job shab

  6. I also check MP and Pinks IP adress and announced it on UMA chat. thats why he cahnged his name back to MP.

  7. Excellent Job Shab!

  8. no war woot woot!!!!

  9. I new it couldn’t be him!

  10. What the heck Boomer? Why can’t anyone have a war for fun?

  11. Nice work! 😀


  12. Thank goodness we need a war break xD!!!!!

  13. A war, I’m in


  15. i guess u figured it out FIVE HOURS AFTER WE DID…

  16. nice shab you totally PWNED him

  17. execellent work shab! you deserve 10 medals for finding it out.

  18. UHG im just gonna quit ACP i waited 3 days and i kept asking boomer for a rank so im just quitting an army that i was never in so BYE 😦

  19. Applause for Shab everyone!

  20. ACP and the Nachos have both pulled out of the war as well.



  21. XD nice shab poor pink XD nice job shabby!

    Rock on acp!

  22. lol nice work

  23. I KNEW IT!!! That little faker… 😐

  24. lol, i didnt really think that pinkmafias would come back for real…..

  25. we rocked! dec. 4, their must have been like a 100 soldiers!!!

Army of Club Penguin [ACP]: let us know what you're thinking!