Club Penguin, We’ll take it from here.

Hey ACP!

They took away good non member parties and are starting to constantly give away rarer items. Ach, we’re all too harsh on Disney nowadays. Maybe they have annoyed us but a positive is about to return.Disney are once again bringing back the Earth Day Party which was first introduced to Club Penguin by them on 21st April 2012. They really must love us as having two green parties(St. Patrick’s day) in a row was rather nice. Why is this party a positive, you may ask? Well, the main colour of the party is Green which conveniently is what we wear. This will help us in recruiting as we can gain more new soldiers to the army. The party begins on April 19th and ends on April 24th which gives us 5 days to use the event to our advantage. Recruiting will also be particularly helpful right now as soon we shall be entering war which you can read more about in Flipper’s post here. As I stated in a previous post from some time ago, recruiting is about getting new troops to our chat and site over gaining as many green penguins in the same room together. Though it looks cool, it doesn’t really help the army greatly. We need brand new, active, loyal soldiers that will help us be at our best. “Turn Green” is a useful chant as it does help us get recognised as a group on Club Penguin but remember to use phrases to help us direct new troops to our chat and/or site. As Club Penguin has basically filtered all the recruiting terms just to annoy us(I’m meant to be praising them?!) we need to work round that and find some new ones. “We are the Army of CP” followed by “Loook us up” can help people find us. So whenever you can get a few fellow ACP soldiers to recruit(which I’m sure you all want to do) on our highly populated servers such as Alpine and Breeze. So, when Club Penguin are helping the virtual environment, remember to gain ACP some soldiers 😀

Ek ACP Commander General

13 Responses

  1. Convinced that word count for 553 #Fail

  2. yes yess ookkk dadadadgo

  3. Kinda small post wouldn’t you say?

  4. rather D:

  5. Too small. AND i can make u a better penguin than that!

  6. Dame Judi Dench wouldn’t be amused.

  7. Her and her 007 friends 😛

  8. i just want old CP. back. like PSA and old map and old log in page, old clothes and old igloo items. CP is full of a bunch weirdos who either think theyre cool, or tough.

  9. kinda small

  10. Not first, Booyah! 😀

  11. I hate how CP has mad almost everything to where you had to be a member to do anything

  12. Good post blah blah blah yada yada yada… There *mrgreen*

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