Final Battle of World War V (Or so they thought…)

Shab: Bob if you’re gonna keep the sidebar thingy can you please update it. I can re-send the email if you need me to.

Hey ACP,

In case you forgot we still have battles to be fought with the IW on the weekends. Here is just a another reminder. I posted this again because the declaration of war post had a lot of other stuff. So I decided just to make this post short, direct and simple, with the times of the battle and stuff.

Invasion of Down Under

Date: Saturday, October 16th


Server: Down Under

Room: Underground (place will be given on


Penguin/Pacific: 11:00 AM

Mountain: 12:00 Noon

Central: 1:00 PM

Eastern: 2:00 PM

UK: 7:00 PM


Where: Klondike, all over

When: Saturday, October 17th


3pm EST

2pm CST

1pm MST

12pm PST

8pm GMT




Mchappy: October 12th – ACP Raids Frostbite from IW.

We “Claimed” it (We don’t own it, it’s just something to say.)
Good E+8 Bomb.

ACP averaged 20+ on CP with no resistance from IW after an hour of doing Tactics on their Server.

ACP Bob: The Comments on the Graphic Contest are now re-opened. Only for a short time, good Luck to everyone still entering.

Ken: Remember for the battles listen to the owners online and pay attention.

Mchappy: I’d like to remind the CP Army World on what TG is, I was told by all their Leaders that they have never used Bots. Today was another story,

TG using Bots.

I’m sorry i cant make the Delta Alliance battle thing 😦 I will do my best to make the “Final Battle”