Hello ACP,

Today ACP and IW Battled it out in a very nice Battle. To be honest in the beginning I thought it was a clear lost for ACP, with only having about 19 Soldiers on (1 hour before Battle) but we came back. In my opinion, ACP did won easily. Why? IW Chat was huge but both ACP and IW had a down and up size, it never was the exact same for a while. Both Armies getting a good 40 whilst ACP had very good Tactics. IW did fine but I just think ACP did a lot better 😛

It starts off with Icey and I debating (in a PC) whether to have the Battle in the Underground or Foreground. I gave up and just agreed for the Battle to be held in the Underground. So, both Armies take their ground – ACP: Boiler Room & IW: Hidden Lake. At this point IW’s Chat was like 71 people, but IW used bots on Sleet to Recruit. I have no proof, just me, so I’ll have to let that go. 10 minutes to the Battle I order ACP to the Mine. That’s when IW go nuts and come to our Chat spamming that we couldn’t do that. I believe we could have,

Were having a battle with ACP next week, 1 on 1.   It’s a battle. No rules, no nothing. CPAC can decide the winner.   This will be the battle to decide who’s the bigger army.  The normal rules apply, no Bots or hacking.  The battle will be as long as needed.


I believe that was allowed, 100%. Again both Armies duke each other out and the room quickly fills up. We fought in 4 out of the 5 rooms; I’ll show my opinion of whom won what.

  • ACP wins the Mine.
  • IW wins the Pool.
  • ACP wins the Hidden Lake.
  • ACP wins the Cave Mine.

After the huge Battle IW Leaders and I (only ACP Leader on xD) talked about the Battle at IWMeeting. We ended up agreeing that…

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New ACPTR Staff Member


I’m here today with the results. 10 minutes ago, 12declan12 posted the deciding vote and winner was found. After a short counting of the votes, we have our new staff member!

This guy, I hope, can really prove to us that he will be a great staff member, and I’m pretty certain he’s gonna be. He really proved that in his speech he really does care about the cadets. And I totally wish him luck. However, I must first reveals who was in second place by a mere 2 votes. It is


So, the winner is…

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