Rules in ACP

Well there are some rules in ACP that I just want to point out right now.

  1. Never ask to be a mod on the chat.
  2. Never ask for a promotoin, ( It doesnt help you if you ask)
  3. Have Fun
  4. No Spamming  (includes annoying)
  5. Don’t talk about rebellions
  6. Don’t do anything that you don’t feel is right
  7. No talking about inappropriate stuff.
  8. No joining or helping enemies
  9. Follow orders given by superior soldiers.
  10. When fighting, be in the ACP uniform.
  11. Don’t attack anyone unless they attack you or a superior soldier orders you too.
  12. Don’t fight with other ACP soldiers or allies.
  13. Don’t let anyone else claim to be the leader.

Elections should be coming up shortly, TomY is making the forum so that you can run, so in a little while we will be having electoins, practice wars, etc…

Promotoin Day is 2 days away.

All ACP Soliders must get on as much as possible on Mammoth.


47 Responses

  1. would “Not talking about a rebellion” mean just for ACP or for other armies too?

  2. fort, no offense, but i disagree about the staying in mammoth thing. i am a nonmember and its always full. so just pointing that out

  3. third

  4. Good luck to all ya guyz in promotion day. 😀


  5. 5th and thanks! ACP rocks!
    But when you say “Don’t talk about rebellions” do you mean not saying a single word about them, and don’t let our leaders know when we hear about rebellions or simply don’t do anything that could start one?

  6. Just to let you guys no im gonna be running for govenor so plz plz plz vote for me

  7. Yes, I am also. Those are good rules.

  8. i thought promotion were today oh well more time to prepare for my promotion speech LOL JK 😀 😀 😀

  9. run for governor I WANNA RUN but nobody would vote for me even if i did run!!!! 😦

  10. 10th lol

  11. Fort Promotion is spelled P-R-O-M-O-T-I-O-N
    not Promtoin

  12. btw good luck

  13. i waish to run. I have patrolled mammoth for like 1 hour. I hope that suffices. Anyways can’t wiat till promotion day!

  14. FORT IDK HOW TO WORK THE FORUMS!!! 😦 😦 😦 AND I REALLY WANNA RUN FOR GOVERNOR!!! unless you mean forms, not forums.

    March On!
    -The Jungle N
    PS: You sound like Oagal with those rules lolz.
    PSS: My friend likes to call Oagal Oagalporpise, or sometimes “The Porpise”, or even “Mighty Porpise Dude” XD

  15. Cool post Fort,

    p.s. I dont know how to work the forums ether.

    Thats it.

    ACP rocks

  16. hey, im gonna kill u guys on mammoth, glennion army baby p.s. big threat, we have 4,000 troops

  17. good rules fort! 😀

    Message to everyone : If i hear someone say ‘ DEATH TO HEADOFPOLICE ‘ or ‘ KILL HEAD SO WE AERNT DEAD ‘ or similar i will not ignore that. I will give you a 4 hours ban. And if any mods give me it i will report to fort with a prnt screen

    P.s: Fort can you just make sure noone says that (d)

  18. i want to run for governor lol on UK server seen as we are allies with UMA so i could be ACP UK Governor or USA Server or AUS

  19. excuse me but i want to join ACP can i PLZ PLZ Plz!

  20. And also im an australian and i own a server after about a few hours of war and wars and its called antartic any way i want to team up with u

  21. where are the forms forums?? I wanna run for governer

  22. penguin21795 is also a nonmember and its usally full.probably by next week there will be a new war.we have to watch out.

  23. im running for governer of sector b.(wat ever that is)

  24. barny47 we all know ur just trying to look big n buff.

  25. p.s.s.s. promotions tomorrow!

  26. HAHA somebody is called Barny and he thinks he is so tough and he has ”4000 troops” yeah right.He probly got some n00bs from Barny;s show and told them to join his stupid army lol

  27. Sorry for asking to be a mod Fort. I was actually not asking it for my personal benefit, but because I wanted to inform the visitors on my ACP website, what rank you have to be to become one. Thanks Fort!


  28. im not lyeing

  29. cool rules brigadeer or commodore here i cum lol hope i get a worthy promotion

  30. YES SIR
    balenti/mr ice mr1

  31. I think that the ACP soldiers who have blogs (Dr Nono Jr, Jedimaster17, Sheila Gally, and Jungle N) should be added to the blog roll.

  32. ^_^ Yes, thank you.

  33. wanna get promoted so bad i don’t mind it if i don’t get promoted (.) (.)


  35. barny ur lying

  36. no one has defeated our army

  37. yea, like shab, jcapp, since they’re like in acp

  38. barny Lolz

    Day: 12AM Friday! 12AM Saturday!
    Place: Half Pipe Server (American) In the Dojo and maybe a few other room
    Time: 12AM PST (pacific standart time) If you cannot find PST it is right here – This is an ELITE war why would they go on a war with Non members thats so mean! Check Elite Web site its on there!!!!

  40. “Elections should be coming up shortly, TomY is making the forum so that you can run, so in a little while we will be having electoins, practice wars, etc…”
    Elections for server governors and senators, right?

  41. OMG first off penn122 its the non-member ARMY and they challenged ME to war they wanted to fight me ok !!!!!!!!!!

  42. hey wheres the ranks?

  43. denile ninja denile

  44. hey what a bout me im in the army to i think you dont know so im telling you im in the army

  45. Fort just cant spell promotion, can he? 😆

  46. cool ppl im on acp

Army of Club Penguin [ACP]: let us know what you're thinking!