Job Well Done

Hello ACP,

Now today by all means was a sucess. We had 45+ on CP which I consider good enough for a Tactics Session 😀 Looks like no one is catching up to us soon but we can’t be too sure. It’s a previlage to be Number #1 Army so we must work our hardest at all times. Anyway, we tried some weird and funny Tactics, some may have not worked out but we had a lot of fun doing them. We even made a thinamajig! Though before I start out this Post I want to congratulate ACP on outstanding work before the Tactics Session. I decided to go on CP and Recruit (with some of my friends) and in the end our highest number of Penguins was 33+. Some of the low Top Ten Armies can’t do that when it’s even Scheduled. That is a huge accomplishment by us, I’m looking forward to our Soldier Amount increasing. If you ever want to go on CP, say the word and I’ll be there (what a lovely song, amirite?)

Even though most of our Tacitcs didn’t work out the way we planned- we made many shapes and sizes. Now I hate when people always brag to me that ACP has horrible Tactics and Nachos are the gods. ACP has enough decent Tactics as the Nachos do though in my opinion I believe NW have took the crown of best Tactics. Man are they good; I’ll know we can catch up soon! We have the size, we just need to work on our bond. After we work hard on our Tactics this Month we’d be unstoppable! Hehe, hopefully dreams will come true <33. I’m blabbing too much so I’ll talk about what happened at the Event.

  • We logged in 30 minutes early.
  • Started at the Snow Forts (we made a cool triangle, didn’t make a picture though.)
  • Event still hasn’t started and we make a very nice line whislt a few of us say “EPIC!”

  • We tried out our first new Tactics- Make a small circle and move counterclockwise while doing Clovers. It worked better than I planned!

  • Tried our next Tactic, make a box at the Plaza. We Bombed the Middle with E+G afterwards.

  • Moved to the Dock for our next Tactic.
  • Made a line without me ordering it ( 😆 )

  • Regrouped on the Dock and E+T Bomed.

  • Made a random shape we wanted to and smiled.

  • Did Capn’s Tactic (Phalanx): Members make a Line with Umbrella’s guarding te Non-Members to make a teardrop (we just did that for fun) and throw Snowballs.

  • Did an ACP Bomb and Clover Bomb- with that logging off.

What an amazing time we had. It was so much fun, and we had 50 people on our Chat twice for a short peirod of time! Remember that this Novemember is all about our Military Strength- we’ll be using it for the tournaments in December. I have a little question that if you’d like to particapate please do, you’ll get a shout-out in my next Post. Leave a Comment answering this: What was your favorite part of this Tactic Sessiona and why? I can’t wait to hear all the reponses. I do know that many of you took Pictures (these Pictures consist of Drigo and mine.) If you have any Pictures of the Event leave them in a Comment and I’ll try to fit them in 😉 Sorry for the bad quality of the Pictures. We were really big that the Pictures took up a lot of space xD.



In other news ACP has gained a close Allie. What does a “Close Allie” mean? It means the smaller Allies will be helped by ther bigger Allies whenever they need it. Now who is this lucky Army? None other than my first Army; FGR! FGR has been through a lot with ACP and they use to be a Major Army. This Summer they died down a bit but they are back and better than ever! If you’d like to see their Site it can be found at . Whenever they are in a time of need ACP/Alpha/Echo will always be there ready to give a helping hand. If FGR and another one of our Allies are in a War we will hold a Meeting and try to stop it. I’m glad to have FGR back as an Allies seeing as I got all my experience from this Army. Remember FGR: We’ll be there <33.

(Hey, I said “I’ll be there” & “We’ll be there” at the beginning/ending of this Post. Jackson5 FTW! 😛 .)

62 Responses

  1. 1st ^^ Hm, this Post is actually decent.

  2. I MADE IT

  3. I was there and Mcahppy, Can u tell me which tactics you liked out of the ones submitted
    smart alec4

  4. Def made it! I’m in some of the pics and I got 30 minutes in

  5. I was there! :mrgreen:

  6. i made it

  7. oh and my fave part wuz tha box cuz it was fun

  8. i made it

  9. My favorite was capn’s tactic!

  10. i so made it

  11. I loved the umbrella tactic, I also liked the snowball throwing. We don’t get enough snowball rifle action these days, its all j-bombs and emotes 😦

  12. Best tactic session eva!!!!

    I found myself in almost every picture up there and in some of them I really stand out. In one I’m grabbing a “shop gum” about to attack a hater of ACP, in one Im saying that i’m Chuck Norris! LOL. and in one I was singing the lyrics to the song, Born Again.

  13. I was there I loved the clover bomb tactic it was pretty awesome. Also Mchappy FGR was my first army too.


  14. mch can we stiill do the one where you cross the eneime line so it looks like there is half?

    and a lightsaber!

    the leader/highest rank goes in the middle of the room and mod and owners go on the left side and member ranks go right?

    cool ain’t it?

    I like the first one a lot.

  15. The best one was capns’.

  16. I made 30 minutes early and 15 minutes after it officially started so i made it for about 45 minutes.

  17. Couldn’t come. Looks like it was fun.

  18. Made It and I like the new tactics. We should do that in a battle. Made it for an hour

  19. SOO fun i made it

  20. I was there great fun. I love capn’s umbrella tactic, and we should consider using it in battles.

  21. i was there. IT WAS EPIC!

  22. ps im thebrain81

  23. made part of it
    i was at our allies dcp battle since im in dcp also

  24. i made part of it, EVIL MOM

  25. I made it and it was a lot of fun i wish we could do it all day and everyday as i was fighting all day today and i wish i had a rank because of me fighting all day but waddle on ACP 🙂

  26. Who sang I’ll be there? It sounds very familar… And I have a new tactic idea!


  27. I wasan’t there 😥 I promise to go to the next event.

  28. made it XD- Totojess1

  29. I dont think its showing up… but like meh avatar?

  30. i was in most of the pics did u see meh! :mrgreen: 😉 koool tactics btw my fav was a move tht the greeks made called the phlanx the one with umbrellas

  31. I made most of it 😉


  32. I wasn’t able to go on chat thought because I was at my friends house who has parent restrictions :/

  33. I sorry I was’nt there. Ive been busy Because of soccer.

  34. 38th 😦

  35. I was there for part of it

    BTW This is mirrie3

  37. I made it. You can see me because I’m wearing the blue viking helmet.

  38. i made it!!! im very happy!!

  39. Sorry I couldn’t make it, there was a virus on the computer and it wouldn’t let me use the internet.

    No problem.

  40. i made it
    the circle was the best

  41. I was there

  42. i made the whole was sorrta boring

  43. Holy cow ever since i joined ACP Its so Awsome I go on this website everyday

  44. I couldn’t make it and I won’t make anything for the next few weeks because my laptop broke. I won’t be able to go on cp until further notice. I can only check the sites from my phone. Srry… I hope you understand and can excuse me from events until I replace my laptop.

    🙂 Dj Yaseen

  45. made it at the end wish i was there to see the tactics though

  46. I made it

  47. I was there, we did great!

  48. I was there for some time. PWNGE. -Andre9765

  49. I made it for a minute, but then I went to the Lodge Attic
    where Nachos were, and scared them off before logging off.

  50. how come theres no training or party in australia??? please awnser im very sad.(I live in Australia)

    Sorry wqe left you out. I’ll try to get you included real soon 😉

  51. I made it. That was epic.

  52. I made. Just like every other battle. K?

    Epic picture 😉

  53. I made it!

    Field General~Happyman444

  54. “YOU’LL NEVER WIN” she says. Looking at those pictures, there wasn’t even a battle. xD Just an uber army showing off it’s military strength and ability to perform tactical strategies.

  55. the time chabged at last min but im in 1 pic :laugh:

  56. oops wrong spelling i ment changed

  57. Sorry forgot to comment but I made it

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