To be, or not to be… THAT is the Question.

Swimmerboy01: I was asked to make this post. It wasn’t my idea. 

Flipper: This post is pretty much pointless, seeing as DW declared war on YOU and not the other way round – you can’t pull out because they will still invade you. lrn2read. If many of you think it’s a horrible idea you should complain to DW, not ACP, as ACP can’t do anything about it except fight for their nation, or simply lose it.

Swimmerboy01: Funks, you need to fix my WordPress position on Site. I can’t post or edit pages at all. Foldez had to post this for me.

Hey ACP its Swimmer here! Recently as most of you know the one year war with Pirates ended, but as one war ended another began. Army Republic and Dark Warriors had been fighting each other for quite some time and now the Army of Club Penguin declared war on Dark Warriors to help their ally. Many think this is a horrible idea after such a long war already, and wish for us to pull out of the war before invasions and defences start. It ESPECIALLY isn’t worth it now due to AR surrendering. The two sides of the arguement on this are:

1.)FIGHT THE DARK WARRIORS. They hurt one of our allies and we must push on in the war.

2.) PULL OUT OF THE WAR. It’s not worth it. After the last war we have shrank in size significantly and need to rebuild more so we can some day make sizes of 40+.

I have decided, that I will let YOU decide! So, to be, or not to be?

Its decision making time

Make sure to do the poll and comment below on what your opinion is, and with ideas of what the ACP ownership should to to help rebuild the ACP to the new golden age.

~Swimmerboy01 Over & Out

War with DW + Defences


Cleansing of Breeze OR Invasion of Tuxedo

Date: 2nd February, Saturday

11am UK, 7am EST, 6am CST, 5am MST and 4am PST

P.S: Sort out your site next time, so I don’t have to do it, this post wasn’t even the 1st sticky post when there are defences of your servers. I also recommend doing these events instead of R.O.T.A unless you really be hatin’ on the server DW are invading. -Flipper 

Ty Flippy- Fold

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