Dun Dun Dunnnnn

During events there should NOT be any negative comments in ACP main chat.  Some of these are:

Ballons frame

True or not, it makes ACP look bad and brings down the morale of our troops fighting so diligently to win.  Plus, it lags and clogs out chat with unimportant comments and takes focus away from our event.  There are always spies in our chat during events who screen shot these negative comments and place them on their army’s site for humiliation of our fine army.  If you must say something negative about ACP, go to a private chat (PC) and say it there or say nothing it all.

Therefore, from now on, if you make negative remarks in our chat during a battle, you will be kicked.  Try to focus on being encouraging and inspirational to your fellow ACP brothers and sisters for the good of ACP.

One more thing, if you’re in the battle, unless you must log off/sign off CP and chat, you are active and participating in the event to THE VERY END!  Do not go afk before the battle has ended to be social, go posting, google something, etc.  If we are in our chat during events, we participate THE ENTIRE BATTLE, unless you have to go and log/sign off.

Owners:  Your responsibilities of posting, join page, etc. should be done at a different time than the battle.  Let’s all set a good example of being quality soldiers.

Snaily signature

12 Responses

  1. the owners note is probably cuz i started posting early yesterday BUT I did ask if you’d be okay w/ out me for the last 5 mins and you said yes…. so it’s not really my fault if you told me fibs

  2. Funks if your reading this, PC me the next time your on xat.

  3. Great post Snaily. I hate to see a fellow troop say something negative about ACP. It doesn’t matter if we may be losing a battle, we just need to give it our best shot and fight ’till the very end. There will be another opportunity to claim what was lost, which is in most cases, a server. Keep your hopes up guys!

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