Hi, Im Trickster your Army Advisor.

Edit: Please read the post below.

Yes I guess the title does explain all… Well I’m Acp’s Army Advisor. So… Hi! So I wan’t to I guess introduce myself. I am Trickster. I have been in plenty armys, and leader and co leader in a lot! I have experienced many things…. so I can say that I am very experienced. I also am sorta a tough cookie you may say xD I know if someone is being impersonated or not. If someone is telling the truth or not. Or whats right and whats wrong.

Now please don’t get mad that I am on this site. Please. I don’t want to have misunderstandings or anything… So Saint saids I do everything? But I dont know what she meant by that (Insert edit here xD) So this is what I do as advisor:

  • Advise soldiers on what to do (Ranks, Skills, …etc)
  • Advise Leaders on what to do aswell (In wars, practice battles, situations …etc)
  • Counselor (Come to me with all your complaints)
  • Speak for the Leader when their gone Shab: Not until I’m gone trick.
  • (Leaders who think of anything else please add more)

So you can pc me with any of your problems or if you just wanna say Hi xD

Now before you get ticked off saying “Speak for the leader when their gone?!!” It means speak for them. Not do there job. When the Leader is gone, the next highest rank does there JOB. So Co Leaders will lead the battles and everything when leader is gone. But I speak for the leader sometimes in situations when shes gone. SOMETIMES. Im just referring to what the Real Armys do. Because real armys do have army advisors. Please don’t get all mad on me because Im on the site and are Army Advisor.

This is pretty much a long post for a beginner… But I usually write posts like these. Well I guess they arent so long. 294 words already..phew! And I have this saying I always end my post with…

We Win Together, We Fall Together,


P.S. Again.. Please dont get mad at me, thats the last thing I want to do 😦 AND READ POST BELOW. Ty.

Good to Great

A democratic republic is a government by the people for the people.  If one wishes to achieve this type of government you need a very important thing; a congress.

            There are not many things in this world more democratic then a congress.  The people elect the people they feel are the best suited to serve and represent the region in which they live.  The person who is elected then represents the community he was elected to represent by making and voting on laws and decisions he knows would be best for that community.

            Recently, I have been appointed as Vice President of Congress of the Army of Club Penguin.  Along with the President of congress I will be in charge of congress elections, scheduling meetings, and the meetings themselves.  Throughout the time I serve as Vice President there are many things I wish to improve and change about the ACP Congress.  To change it from good to great.  In the following paragraphs you will see what I hope to achieve.

            Congress meetings, though we have them, are not scheduled as often as they should be.  This makes the title of a congressmen only a title and not a working position.  We must go from our once every two months schedule to a bi-weekly, or even weekly meeting schedule.  This way congress can be active and congress can be important and used efficiently.

            Some congress members seem to run in elections, claim their title, and never show up at meetings but continue to say, “I am an ACP Congressmen,” just for the sole reason to have this title on the front of their Xat name.  To get rid of these space fillers we must have a congress vote whenever we see one of these situations arise.  Congress will vote on if this person should stay or be impeached from congress based on their recent activity.

            Whenever congress makes a decision it is barely or never even though about by our leader, at least by our previous leader anyway.  I will make sure that our next leader takes what congress says to heart and greatly considers its decision when he or she is making her final one.  This will ensure that congress is not just a waste of time and space, but a true decision making power in this army.

            Though the congress members elected 7 months ago suited what the people wanted then, they may want a different type of representative now.  That is why we must stop this unfair cycle.  The cycle of having one election and then never having another one again, leaving the people with the representative they wanted months, perhaps years ago and not with the one they want now.  We must commit to doing elections for congress every 4-6 months, to ensure the people are able to elect the representative they want now, not what they wanted then.

            This is what I hope to achieve under the time in which I serve as ACP Congress Vice President.  All the promises I made are true, they will not simply be forgotten a few days after this post is published.  They can and will be met.  We will be able to change ACP Congress from good to great, because with an army of soldiers like you, failure is impossible.



Wizard 101

To anyone who will be making an account on wizard 101 and will be buying a membership, pc me on chat so I can send you a referal email. I know this is random but I wanted to post it.
