Golden Ages Meeting

Don’t forget to comment for Promos!!

View this post in its original form on the Club Penguin Army Council site.

The meeting went fairly well considering, and people liked a few of my ideas, so I thought it was pretty good 😛 .

My first idea was a way to get all the “falling” armies active again.  Since almost all the problems with warfare now are because of ACP and the Nachos taking over everything, we all agreed on a war with all the other major and medium armies, but without ACP or the Nachos.

An example could be:

RFW, IW, RPF vs. Golds, WW, ST, BB

As for ACP and the Nachos, I thought they could have practice battles between Brigades/Branches so both sides can fit in the same room.  Most people seemed to agree on that as well.

Another idea that was submitted by Spyguy202 of the Golds was that at major battles, we need neutral judges to help decide a winner, since we spend more time arguing than actually fighting.  I would volunteer to do this, and I believe Commando was volunteered, but we could get the rest from non-participating armies (ACP, Nachos, etc.).  This didn’t really get voted on because Aka thought I was talking about tournaments, and then everyone started talking over each other.

The last thing we decided on was that we really need a new location for battles because the Snow Forts is really pretty boring… The Dojo rocked obviously before Club Penguin filled it with the Card Jitsu crap.  We decided we either need to get Club Penguin to make the room capacity for the Snow Forts bigger, or as I suggested, move it somewhere where the n00bs usually aren’t at.  The underground was suggested, which is a personal favorite of mine since ACP was often found in the Boiler Room when they weren’t fighting in the Dojo at the time that I joined.

Edit: Everyone will invade Mammoth because it has gone too far from being the war capital of Club Penguin to the n00b-army-ridden place it is now.  We are all invading, not to claim it, but to make it a place of war again.

Quick Summary:

  • World War of all the “falling” armies, whoever else, and excluding ACP and the Nachos
  • ACP and Nachos could split into Brigade/Branches to fight practice battles, other armies welcome
  • Battle judges (undecided)
  • New location for battles (Underground)
  • All armies invade Mammoth

More to be added if necessary…



Once again dear soldiers it is promotion time for those whose rank is Warrant officer and below. This includes: Warrant Officer, Sergeant, and Corporal 😮 . Saint has decided because of the change in command, the best and fair way to do promotions is to have you decide if you deserve one! Easy you say? Not so fast soldier. In order to be considered for a promotion you will need to have been a member of ACP for at least 1 month. Now for the hard part.

In the comment section, Saint needs

  1. your name,
  2. present rank, and
  3. a very brief reason why you feel a promotion is well deserved.

All 3 of those need to be included. Now get moving and get that promotion!!! Good Luck to all our fine Soldiers.