ACP: This Weeks Events

 Blue = UK event

Red = US event

Tuesday, May 14th

>>> results <<<


Thursday, May 16th

>>> results <<<


Friday, May 17th

>>> results <<<


Saturday, May 18th

>>> results <<<

>>> results <<<

I also expect AT LEAST 2 unscheduled events

Note : these must also be posted about

Comment below if you can make any of these events!

Tori: To the owners – change anything, if you want. If I made a mistake on the times, please correct it for me. Also, I’ll leave it up to the rest of you to decide what the events will be, such as recruiting sessions, training sessions, games, etc. Sorry for giving the original post a complete makeover but I was just tempted to make the post look pretty and add more times.😛

AUS/Asia – Unscheduled Weekday Recruiting Session (Results)

Hello ACP! My fellow comrades, we did a spectacular job today considering it was a school day, and on top of that the troops were mostly from Australia/Asia, with only a couple from UK/USA. We aren’t a division filled with troops who stay up late or wake up early. We’re actually made from Australia/Asia troops.

Make sure to comment if you made it to earn attendance credit.

Best picture of event, Provided by Korra 546.

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