Battle against IW! || Do you want war?

Purp: I’m going to be away from the 31st of May to the 2nd of June due to an unexpected holiday. Gah! 

Fun event

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Fun event [U-LEAD]

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Battle versus IW

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Day Two A Success! :D

Hello ACP,

                     Today we logged onto Club Penguin for day two of THE CAPN AND SOUP EVENTATHON EXTRAVAGANZA! and the turnout was exactly what I expected it to be (AMAZING!). Ironically however, Soup could not make it to the event for legitimate reasons. We maxed 20 and we averaged 18. So good job ACP, my goal was to get at least 20, judging by the sizes from last week. We also got around to doing about four or five hard tactics and a very effective new tactic called the Diagonal Bomb (Or the “D” Bomb as Flipper calls it). You all listened to the leaders fairly well soldiers, so I wish there was something I could give to you other than just a big thank you. 😀 Also, thanks to Fluffy and Slime for helping me lead; I had a lot of fun and hope you all did too. *COMMENT IF YOU CAME!*

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The ACP Rejuvenation

We have changed over the years, and I believe there are a few flaws in our current status. If you are an ACP troop, you are required to read this in order to improve the ACP status in whatever way possible.

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