Brumby Battle Up In The Air

Oagalthorp: Yes, the ACP did win, and we have no official reports on what happened in Mammoth. I will make my battle post (with pictures) is an hour or two.

Well it was a kind of confusing win for ACP. The ACP won their scheduled battle today in Brumby, but yet the nachos claim that the ACP won brumby, and that the Nachos had won and captured Mammoth. Allthough the Nachos site says nothing about Mammoth, and that the Nachos leaders Zippy500 & Akabob22, had said they weren’t attending, most of the nachos did. So I’m really not sure what to make of this battle. All I know is, that the ACP won Brumby at scheduled time, and whether or not the so called “Mammoth Battle” was won by nachos is a mystery, cause when we went there was 1 nacho in the dojo, and there were around 10 ACP. So in my opinion Mammoth hasn’t changed at all and is still governed by the ACP. Here are some pics of the scheduled battle in Brumby










45 Responses

  1. second comment!

  2. LOL! Woohoo ACP! You won the server of Brumby! Everyone wants that server!

  3. wth our retarded leader is depressed and is a hobo so he can post and akabob cant go on cp cuz he is doing bad in school.u know ur just taking advantage of us. visit for ur latest army news and also RAPIDY OWNS!!!!!!

  4. click meh name!

  5. The attack on mammoth was a secret plan to take over mammoth shadow2446 made the plan so we could take mammoth =)

  6. Comment number three is funny….

    And yes, we did win the battle in mammoth. While ACP was in brumby, most of our nachos were in mammoth. And when oagal said the battle was over, that meant we had won mammoth by then and acp won the battle at brumby. So we left mammoth.

  7. Hey terrking, Oagal’s not retarded. He’s awesome. He’s not depressed, and we owned u. And it’s akabob’s fault he’s doing bad in school. Oh, and I got banned on Nacho chat again. I hate ur army, especially ur mods, that ban me and for the reason put things like “I owned u now [and they put a curse word here]!!!”.

  8. Well. Guess that means a war is under our belts. For Mammoth. Just think what’ll happen if we take our conflict back to Club Penguin’s capital. Lives will be lost. Hmmm. I suggest we take our conflicts to Australia. Since we won that war today, many penguins at Brumby r on high security. I guess some army stays there. Cause I went there and two penguins were talking and said to attack any penguin with a sombrero, and roman helmet, and any other item. Idk. Those guys in Brumby r paranoid guys. This one penguin said that they r in a state of emergency. Idk. Maybe they r scared of us.

  9. Yeah i was in there rock on dude!

  10. the nachos shouldn’t even call the mammoth battle a battle since we weren’t even trying to fight there.

  11. hey go to my site i have some picks of the battle at the end

  12. ogalthorp i come from the socity of angles army and i need your help you are the best army and i need more troups i am sending alie request to every won ecsept nachos ther to stuborn so my quweshtion is will you help me and be my alie


  14. Ogalthorp,Can IPA the Irish Penguin Army be allies with ACP? please they’re new!


  16. Did you ever wonder why most of the high ranks left at the begginning of the battle? That was my order. They were all in Brumby. That was why we were losing troops during the battle. I stayed in Brumby the whole time b/c Im nonmemeber and cant get into mammoth.

  17. How do win a battle that didn’t happen? Even if you call it a battle, if what fort says is true, we won there to. Shadow, I’m a non-member too, but i fight for my army, so i sit at the computer for however long it takes and I get in. Btw, My fav pic is the fourth one. It shows us wooping them. What was weird about that battle, was there was a person fighting for us, and she called herself the ACP bee bandit. 😛


  19. and nono what do u think ur mods do to us in acp chat.. the ban us we r enemies

  20. Terry, we ban you guys cuz ur annoying. Well, your okay a lot of the time, but some of the others are just idiots (no offense, lol)


  21. GWahahahahahaha!

  22. 😦 i couldnt make it to the battle 😦 i had a birthday party 😥

  23. sorry I couldn’t make it either I had a basketball game and I have been having a really bad week because my membership expired too 😦

  24. Whenever Oagalthorp said the battle was over in Brumby, that meant the battle in mammoth was over too so we left. dee da dee

  25. Woo! yay I was in one of the pics! I dont really understand how we won but I know i just threw snowballs at the nachos!=)

    P.S Thanks to Jingle Jay for becoming my Buddy at the brumby battle

  26. zippy and akabob are cowards. thats all i have to say.

  27. LOL Remember that person who had the ponytails and the shades who was calling herself the ACP Bee bandit! She kept yelling “IM THE ACP BEE BANDIT!” LOL She was Hillarious!And I also wanted to point out that the bee bandit is in like the 7th pic! (p.s So am I im a non mem next to the pink tour guide!) And fort and Oagal, please can I have a rank?……. A good one? I mean when are the next elections? I really want to help ACP and recruit more soildiers!

  28. Well,Zippy could not make the battle because of a recent incident.And our co-leader Akabob22 couldn’t make it because of extra school work.Plus,we did have a leader on brumby,Shadow2446.

  29. Also,we ban you guys at nacho chat cuz your anoying
    *cough Maz*

  30. oagal i got the video uploaded here it is and i made a tribute video

  31. Another reason Nachos didn’t feel like going is because your reason for the battle was rude, it was to munch on some chips. You guys dont respect the Nachos.

  32. […] ACPisRude on Brumby Battle Up In The Air… […]

  33. Did you guys mention the Battle i won for you?!?!? Wintley Zar BEAT THE HIPPIES LAST NIGHT!! I owned them they gave up i had one on one and owned three of them! So mention that too!…

  34. Yay! we won! I’m sorry that I didn’t make the battle. My Dad had to get a hair cut and my Mom wasn’t home so I hade to go with him cuz it was too far away from our house. I had to sit there for like an hour!

  35. go online to

  36. ACPisRude, on March 9th, 2008 at Said:

    Another reason Nachos didn’t feel like going is because your reason for the battle was rude, it was to munch on some chips. You guys dont respect the Nachos.

    Who said the Nachos DESERVED any respect? The Nachos are not only Anti-Semitic, they are anti-white. Why else did they put a white baby in a microwave? I’m against all forms of racism, but Akabob supports racism. What’s more, check out Gtracer’s comment here:
    It’s the 10th one. It pretty much speaks for itself.

  37. The Nachos’ words and actions speak for themselves: the Nachos disrespect us. We in the ACP are simply returning the favor.

  38. #
    kingrlin, on March 9th, 2008 at Said:

    Well,Zippy could not make the battle because of a recent incident.And our co-leader Akabob22 couldn’t make it because of extra school work.Plus,we did have a leader on brumby,Shadow2446.

    Zippy hasn’t been around for a while, and I think you guys were better off with him than you are with Akabob. At least Zip had some sense. Akabob doesn’t even have a dime.

  39. Hey, Oagal, I was reading the nacho comments, and i got an idea from shadow. If we could do it first, claim the test servers while they are here.

  40. Declaration of Club Penguin Independence
    March 15, 2008
    War. What is war? Two foes against one other trying to solve their problems by throwing snowballs at each other?
    I am here today to end all conflicts that armies have with each other. The fellow citizens of Club Penguin agree with me too! Some that are 12 say that fighting is stupid and that Club Penguin should be with peace while another 5 year old said that she was so confused and the wars scared her. She even said that her mom thinks Club Penguin is violent and is about to make her child quit!
    Now, the original plan of Club Penguin was to have fun making new friends… but we are doing the opposite! We are making foes!
    Some penguins have so much power that they might just take this and throw it away, but my plan is to convince you to stop these wars.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all penguins are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
    Yes, you may keep your armies and maybe move to other games on the internet, but I believe that Club Penguin should be fun and safe for everyone… the chance that these “armies” are destroying…
    Without further questions, I hope you really think about the words that you are reading now… for soon “I hope that I can play in place where the snow is settled on the ground… and not being launched into the air and landing on a poor penguin’s head!”
    ~ Lord Beckett (Lopez007)
    “Give me peace, or give me death!

  41. That may be true…but did you see the hateful and R-rated things the Nachos put on their site?

  42. lmao, that Embassador noob was so annoying back then. I really wish I wasn’t a noob back then, or I would own his ass!

Army of Club Penguin [ACP]: let us know what you're thinking!