A Nearly Forgotten Victory

EDIT: Wiifan or some other Nacho made another post on their website claiming that the Nachos won. He basically just said “The army being challenged must attend the battle under the time the challengers gave.” Which is exactly what we did. The Nachos gave the time “7:00pm”. We came at 7:00pm PST. If they had specified 7:00pm Eastern Time, we would have come at 7:00pm Eastern Time. But they didn’t.

P.S. Someone said that the pictures on this site were from the “first” battle. If that is true, that proves that we won the first battle too. 😀


Yes, the ACP won their battle! I know some people like, say, Zippy500 have told you otherwise, but to that I say whatever. You want to know why? Zippy wasn’t even at the battle! How would he know who won?

Now I know what you are thinking. “Oagal, you weren’t at the battle either!” True. But unlike my zesty, cheese-flavored opponent I did my research, and here is what I can tell you.

Most people, ACP and Nachos, went to the 7:00pm PST battle. The majority of the ACP soldiers and Nachos knew that 7:00pm PST was the official battle time. No one, not even the Nachos, tried to tell the ACP that Akabob meant “7:00pm Eastern Time”. The ACP won at the official battle; the one at 7:00pm PST.

Sure, the Nachos may have won their little three-hours-early battle. Congratulation Nachos! You beat (and almost tied wiht) an army that wasn’t intentionally trying to show up. Woo-hoo! Anyway, I have pictures of the real battle that I got from CP News & Stories.

These, by the way, are the only pictures of the battle I found on the entire Internet. Congrats to CP News & Stories for excellent news reporting.







Count the ACP soldiers in those pictures. Now count the Nachos. I think it is pretty clear that the ACP won.

What should we do to celebrate our victory? Set up another battle of course! Maybe we’ll even include an accurate time!



This battle will be at an unpopulated server so that less civilians get hurt and so we will see the real size of the ACP and Nachos. The unpopulated server will not allow us to recruit soldiers from any other room. That is why it is particularly important that you ACP soldiers come.

  • WHAT DAY: Saturday, March 8
  • WHAT TIME: 1:00pm PST
    4:00pm Eastern Time
    3:00pm Central Time
    2:00pm Mountain Time
    1:00pm Pacific Time
  • WHAT SERVER: Brumby, Australia
  • WHAT ROOM: Dojo
  • WHY: To munch on some chips.

I would like every soldier to attend, in full ACP uniform. I might be able to come, but if I can’t Fort57 will lead the battle. Fort: If you can’t: Tell me as soon as possible. If you can: take as many pictures as possible.

I will be making a post on this on Friday, discussing tactics and strategy.


ALSO . . .

Read this, it will hopefully make some of you Americans out there a bit more grateful (this was written by some e-mailer):

I hope you will all read to the end. Jay Leno puts it into perspective and makes us think about the pathetic negativity.  That’s right, Jay Leno!!  Jay Leno wrote this; it’s the Jay Leno we don’t often see…. “The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true, given the source, right?  

The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed, and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the President.  In essence, 2/3’s of the citizenry just ain’t happy and want a change.So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, ”What are we so  unhappy about?”
Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job?Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time, and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last year?

Maybe it is the ability to drive from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state?

Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?

I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough.

Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provides services to help all, and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.

Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family and your belongings.

Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.

This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents.  Neighborhoods where 90 percent of teenagers own cell phones and computers.

How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world?

Maybe that is what has 67 percent of you folks unhappy.

Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S., yet has a great disdain for its citizens . They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don’t have , and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.

I know, I know. What about the President who took us into war and has no  plan to get us out? The President who has a measly 31 percent approval  rating? Is this the same President who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11? The President that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks?

The Commander-In Chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me? Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn’t take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad?

Think about it…are you upset at the President because he actually caused you personal pain OR is it because the “Media” told you he was failing to kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day.Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn’t have to go.They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ”general” discharge, an ”other than honorable” discharge or, worst case scenario, a ”dishonorable” discharge after a few days in the brig.So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of  Americans?  Say what you want, but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds, it leads; and they specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by “justifying” them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J. Simpson to write a book about “how he didn’t kill his wife, but if he did he would have done it this way”…Insane!Stop buying the negativism you are fed everyday by the media. Shut off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of your bird cage.  Then start being grateful  for all we have as a country. There is exponentially more good than bad.

We are among the most blessed people on Earth, and should thank God several times a day, or at least be thankful and appreciative.
“With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, “Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?”Jay Leno 2007
Please keep this in circulation. There are so many people that need to read this and grasp the truth of it all.      



Until later,

March on!

-Comments and Suggestions Welcome-

145 Responses

  1. first comment!
    Good job, Oagal!

  2. Farewell friends.
    Its been great being with you all but sadly I dont think this is worth it. Im retiring and I will return back to my server Iceage actually Im a Ice age citizen but I will be moving to Frozen and hang out there. You guys are still my friends but I wont be on ACP chat but I will be on a Planet Cazmo chat so you can private chat me when Im on. I will let Arroso be the governer of Frozen because Im retiring from the army. I will still play CP of course just not be involved with this army stuff. Remember Im still your friends but I wont be on alot any more and I gave this alot of thought because my dad gets mad at me for being on the computer so sorry all. My website will stay. I will maybe visit mammoth once in a while but I can’t gurrentee. Its been great serving Mammoth for 3 months and ever since the watex wars I have been fighting for mammoth. Its been great having you all around me and I didnt quit because of the argument. I quit because I dont want to be on the computer alot any more.

    Good Bye

  3. 3rd and fourth.

  4. Brumby is the Server Headquarters of Rapidy Inc.! Protected by the PRA, ACP Please Protect my Supplies there! PLEASE!!!!

  5. Well as the Nacho’s have failed to succeed, we must continue and deafeat them once and for all. We must bring deafeat into their eyes, for those Nacho’s nothing but evil. We must stop their constent invadings. They think that they have won, they have thrown lies toward us, and they have betrayed us. We can not let this go on any longer. I will be attending this war, where we can not back down!

  6. ts rnieagal i am srry bu i quit. You were a great leader, its just that CP is so borng.

    Also oagal, this little thing u put up there is 60% true. Im a democrat, but i hate peole who bsh bush. Maybe hes not the smartest monkey up tree, but no other president had a stressed out term like this. He was just trying his best to erve hs country. And, Iraq was pointless though. Weneed to focus on Afganistan. Thats where Alcadas strongest force was. Alcada troops tripled since we went into iraq. I want a preident, that is good, that i can say, THATS MY COUNTRY!!! But i cannot say that now. The goverment is dirty and his hiding secrets from us. All te Republicans are doing is TRUSTING. Ho are u supposed to trust something u cant see>

  7. ?

  8. oagalthorp yea u outnumbered us but do those pic show u have won.no it doesnt.u just assumed that u won. u wernt at any battles u just saw the pics of u winning.how do u know the first battle was little.u didnt and the”little battle” wasnt little it was humongus.even ur most valuable soldiers(texas vs a rapidy shaboomboom) was there it was bigger than the second battle.u actualy take this seriusly.this isnt real life.its virtual reality.
    Oagalthorp: Do you have any pictures of the “first” battle? Because if not, how would I know if you are being truthful? 🙄

  9. I totally agree with that, because running some of the official news in CP proves it to me. Not only that, the news of America- the media does poison our minds. All they can talk about is Britney Spears, anybody with a brain wouldnt care about her or the other many things they report about bush and everything. Well luckily Jay Leno isnt an idiot, its about time one of those icons figured it out.

    – Commando717

  10. 7th comment ok i guess lol Oagal can I be general because lucario left the acp can i take his place

  11. I dont get the big Italic paragraph thing lol.

    texas vs a

  12. Plus I’m not a big fan of politics. whatever that means

  13. Jay lenno makes a great point. Do you hate the nachos because they are attacking you for no reason and claming they won….or is it all these acp is saying this everywhere and your forced to belive it. See the nachos actually won the war. Because your right you did have more soldiers in the so called “official” battle but it doesnt mean you won. they actually won because they were mad at you because you keep saying you won. And just to let you know zippy was there. Also if you look at the third pic it shows someone saying that is not zippy you hit a new low acp. That was me saying it because rapidy, even though the nachos were still in it, dressed as zippy and said the nachos surrendered. why would he do that? Is he trying to get attension? Anyways to me this is a media center and the nachos won.
    Oagalthorp: The ACP agreed to fight at 7:00pm PST. No Nachos objected to that. We won at 7:00pm PST. End of story. 🙄

    P.S. When was the last time Zippy admitted defeat? Usually when we win we post it, but when we lose we usually don’t post it becaue it’s bad propoganda. Zippy and Akabob say they win every time, whether they win or lose. You need to know the facts before saying “The ACP never admits defeat.”

  14. Oagal I can be there, I’ll tell ya if anything comes up.

  15. Okay, first off wii mountain, if you aren’t attacking us for no reason, why are you attacking us. Second, you didn’t win the war. It’s not over yet. Only begun, the Tribulation of Club Penguin has. Raptured, many people have been. Fight the Antichrist Akabob under Ogalthorp’s leadership we must. Third, I don’t see how Jay Leno’s speech relates to the Nachos. Jay Leno’s speech says to be grateful for America, and that the President isn’t all bad. Sure, he’s made some mistakes, but he led us through 9/11. It turned out Iraq didn’t have nukes and Iran’s the real one we have to worry about. Fourth, I think the part where he was talking about US soldier dying for the freedom of Americans brings to mind ACP. We are fighting for the freedom of Club Penguin by defending ourselves against Nacho invasion.

  16. finally wii mountain, how have we hit a new low? We’re not the one who posted a bunch of R-rated ads on their site. We’re not the ones who posted a slide show of death, including a baby in a microwave. We’re not the ones who call our enemies names like “angry cup people” and “rat people’s face.” We’re not the ones who put posts on enemy sites with swear words or to
    make fun of the enemy army or leader. We’re not the ones who have a lack of respect for our president. Just look at Ogal’s post here. Sure, he’s made some mistakes, but I think he’s a pretty good guy.

  17. Hey everyone go to my site http://fort75cpcheats.wordpress.com

  18. I would like to say some words to people i would like to thatnk Lucario and Corvete for being in the acp farwell friends I am also asking when are the soldgiers going to get promoted from their ranks Ogalthorpe I am asking that you give the promoting power to Texas vs A and Fort57

  19. The Nachos said that ACP likes Hitler. If that were true, we’d be the Nacho’s allies. If you don’t believe me go here. http://zippy500nachos.wordpress.com/2008/02/29/swearingplan/#comment-2441

  20. I also would like to thank all the penguins at that battle for doing a great job of holding of the nachos

  21. Oagal, that’s awesome! I agree. Bush isn’t a bad president, but the media just portrays him that way. And I’m mad at that 2/3 of the country that hates our president! God bless America!
    Oagalthorp: Amen, brotha! 😀

  22. All of my best friends are quitting and FIGHTING. IM TIRED OF THIS!!! :@ IM DONE!!! I might be shutting down SSACP and possibly retiring from ACP.

    Oagalthorp: Many, many situations like that have happened to the ACP. But did we give up? NO! Now get off the couch, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and lead your army like a true soldier!

    Inspirational speach number 27 ^ 😉

  23. oagal the battle that was at 7:00 east time was the real battle. dont belive me? look at the website in my name.
    Oagalthorp: I agreed to a 7:00pm PST battle. If someone writes 7:00pm for something CP-related, of course you are going to assume Penguin Standard Time! Also, neither Akabob nor any other Nachos objected to 7:00pm PST. 🙄

  24. DEAR ACP,

  25. Dear Cappuzzi,
    I don’t appreciate the stupid and pointless comments that you leave on my site. You are also very annoying, loud and obnoxious on the ACP Chat. You also swear, if I am correct. That is why you always get banned.


  26. Oagalthorp u have my word I’ll be there. And also Zippy and his stale friends talked about us on the chat yesterday. I kind of challeneged him to a war ACP vs Nachos on a small server. Idk if this war has something to do with it but I was just telling.

  27. It hurts me that many penguins quit the ACP because they think the generals are “power hungry”. Generals give orders, thats what their supposed to do. It stinks how many people quit because of that fact 😦 anyway I can’t wait to cream those Nacho’s!

  28. Begun the Tribulation of Club Penguin has! The church of God (Jews and Christians) is being persecuted by the Club Penguin Antichrist Akabob. In fact, Akabob hates all people who believe in doing what is good. The resistance known as the ACP is here to protect them. What will happen next?
    Oagalthorp: Lol!

  29. no offense but zippy was there at 7:00 o clock decides many armies say u lost including rpf so ur guys lost by veiwers opionon
    Oagalthorp: the only reason people though that in the first place was bacause Zippy told them that. Now people are starting to see what really happened.

    P.S. Notice how Zippy and Aka never once mention in a post that the battle is in Eastern Time. 😛

  30. No, really. I am seriously considering retiring. ACP is really the only army I like being in, but now, with all my friends fighting with each other, quitting SSACP, and/or ACP, and people are saying the most disgusting things on the ACP Chat. I don’t know how much I can handle. Yes I have good friends, and I’m in a good army, but they aren’t functioning right now. People are swearing, saying sick stuff, etc. But I don’t wanna ban more of my friends and lose more friends that way.

    *Sigh… idk anymore.

    P.S. Better give me another inspirethotional speech, lol.


  31. Prophet be quiet.I don’t think that being a little Racist will solve things.Also,I might have said I quit Nachos and went into Acp,I didn’t.I thought things over and went back to the nachos.Those pictures were only showing you beating us in it.It didn’t show you the real thing.And,before you yell at me for “HAR HAR!YOU AINTZ GOTZ ANYZ PHOTOGRAPHICALZ PROOFZ DUHZ.SO DONTZ BEZ TALKINZ!”.Also,I will plan to make your silly little battle with nachos.And,Will take a picture,HAR HAR.

    Nachos For Life

  32. Also Oagalthorp,Saying LOL! To Something Prophet said is as bad as the links from the slideshow akabob posted.

  33. There are pics of the first battle. Zippy was there. Oagalthorp you are like some evil snake. It was said in an earlier post that it was Eastern time. All the Nachos KNOW that we won and all the acp THINK they’ve won.

  34. Its a little tactic Acp uses that is called last minutes loser tactic,they simply say,”WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    “NACHOS LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.

    Or else if the nachos say they won.Acp simply says,”OH YEAH?WELL WHERE IS PHOTOGRAPHICAL PROOF THAT WON?HAR HAR!”
    Oagalthorp: I don’t see you presenting any proof better than the photographic type. 🙄

  35. yeah, blame the media!! the president isn’t bad! what’s wrong with people!

  36. prophet, don’t persecute the buhdists, muslims and hindus! though i doubt there are any on this site.

  37. ok how to say this

    ppl have been beggin me to cum back to acp so ive put thought into it

    nachos give free nachos
    acp give free m16s *lol*

    so im rejoining acp

    Acp Private Luc

  38. that jay leno thing has excellent points. look at how spoiled americans like myself are! sheesh! and everyone is unhappy with our President for who knows why!

  39. Its like 9 in the morning in australia but it would be 9 in the night in UK so I think UK would be better.

  40. Acp should have read the first post about battle times. http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/7537/esttimexj8.png
    This was the first post.
    Oagalthorp: Bob added those after I made this post, everyone knows that.

  41. Hey Oagal. Do u think I could get a ranking up. I’ve been in four wars and next Saturday will be my fifth. Can u put me in a division and a brigade. Because I am a ACP member.

  42. Ok who is the fort75 guy, i mean come on.

  43. i didnt come to this battle but im a coming on the next one!

  44. Hey I’ll be there. (Unless of course, tax season, and i get kicked off). I don’t have uniform, havent been on long enough, so I will come. Everyone will think that they just recruited me for this battle, but I’m not. But hey, being a recruit isnt bad. I was recruited while hanging around on mammoth, considering joining some small army.

  45. Lemmy Koopa I saw u on Cp on march 1st there were 4 nachos ganging up on us LOL =D…. Maz Please dont retire you cant u have an army and all that other stuff….

  46. maz i was takin bout when ur bro was on ur site he was being mean.I also get banned caus ppl thinks its funny.

  47. Gold Invasion
    March 2, 2008
    I am getting fed up of them swearing and saying we are gay.This means that we’ll have to stand up for ourselves and attack them on their home land

    I will arrange this attack to be on EVERY Sunday from Today to first Sunday of May.

    2 Months of invasions and wars will tire them and make them be scared enableing them to advertise and other things.If they have a war,whoever they are against, We will help to destroy them, Even if it is ACP :0

    Yes I am going that far to DESTROY them



  48. Hey maz Im not quitting because of the arguement. Im quitting because I dont have enough time on the computer but. I WILL STILL BE YOUR FRIENDS BECAUSE>>>>>>>>>>>> Im gonna be on ACP Chat sometimes 🙂 so dont worry at least we get to see eachother every week 🙂 I just wont go to battles or fight. I wont be on the acp site alot actaully never anymore. Im not sure about ssacp though. Its really tough to quit when you dont want to 😦 . But its the friendship that matters.

  49. Well jay you do have a good point thanks for sharing it! But I would’ve still rather Al Gore or someone to have one presidency. You see I really care about the enviorment and I know Al Gore does too. Just my personal opinion.

  50. ACP’s excuse of the week is that our battle was 3 hours early. ACP you sicken me.

  51. Would be nice if there were any Runescape armies. So then if we go to clan wars in Runescape we know EXACTLY who would win.


  53. Wow i was at the battle oagle. You cant admite we won. the REAL battle was at 7:00 est. It says on the nacho website. So we won the real battle and you lost.
    Oagalthorp: You failed to fully read and understand my post, Zippo.

  54. ogalthorp and all of the acp it has come to my attention that the acp did lose and that the nachos did win take a look at my post on the nachos site and please by a copy of the art of war=D

  55. This is so stupid. I agree with maz. My friends are quitting and fighting too. It stinks man! I think I might shut down my army and maybe retire from acp. Maz has a point.

  56. Wow. I just looked at the pics. Man. We killed them. Omigosh. Zippy wasn’t there. ACP destroyed them in those pics. Oagalthorp I’m going to e-mail u about something that could help decides who wins.

  57. um oagal i have agree with u they didnt say the time zone but it was pst when i saw him

  58. ya djgtjvgyhxgy is right the nachos website posted 7:00PM with no time zone witch gives a message that its 7:00PM PST and also zippy500 was only there at 7:00PM PST so down with nachos!

  59. Lol. True Pinata those guys were really coming in groups. I was able to scare off 4 I think and then they were all gone. Lol, see you next battle dude.

    P.S. We tottally owned those Nachos!

  60. hey oagal, I should get lots of credit since I was the one who took the pictures!!!!!!!

  61. Rlin I hate you now we were friends but not anymore

  62. ok Oagal saw the edit I totaly agree with you
    P.S.I will miss you maz

  63. Yo Corraco, is Rlin a Nacho?

  64. Jeez,we beat u today at the war,we teamed up with Nachos,us the CACP(crushers of ACP)and we made your soldiers surrender.
    I even have it on my blog http://www.acpcrushers.wordpress.com


  65. Somebody even said ”What is ACP” lol

  66. Yo Miroos I was there. My Names Lemmy Koopa you could see me in the picture ok! So you didn’t beat us I saw everything I fought intil their were no more Nachos. I was fighting Nachos I didn’t even know about you CACP things or whatever you call yourself. All the people that fought us ran away.

  67. Yeah, it does say the correct time though. Here. http://zippy500nachos.wordpress.com/2008/02/23/messagebattleswar-music/#comments . But at the time the nachos said at, the time I came, we still beat them. 😛 . Let them say what they wnat, we beat them on both times. Oh, and Btw, this is the nachos :twisted:. Evil, Ugly, and thinks they have power.

  68. 😈 My bad

  69. Ok, I have made my decision. I will stay in ACP, and SSACP will stay, but I think there will be some changes. I’ll see.

    Also, Oagal I think ACP needs to organize a little bit better. How? As in the following:

    **This probably will not work for unorganized battles.

    ACP should actually fight in its divisions/brigades/etc. If we do, one we would be more organized, two we could split the army into division groups (according to our divisions) and then have the divisions in different areas of mammoth, or whatever server.

    Oagalthorp: Yes, we know. Once I am “officially” back we will get more organized, like you said.

  70. Uh… yeah, I’m not American.

  71. I gave this alot of thought. Maz told me to take a break from armys. You know what he’s right! Im gonna take a break from fighting and I won’t quit thanks to Maz’s help 🙂

  72. kool

  73. Go Bush! God bless America! ACP forever!

  74. What to do about Lucario98765? He is a general, but fights for our enemy. Kind of weird, isnt it?

  75. it does look like the pictures are from the first battle, because I was at the second battle.

  76. man im not gona be able to be at the war this saturday i gota go to my dads.


  77. The war in Iraq was/is not worth it. Up until we went to war, nobody (or most) people didn’t know where Iraq/Afghanistan was. And, the only reason why people know Osama Bin Laden and Alqeida (spelled wrong XD) was. But eh, I think that we’ll be against Iran, Russia, or a group of terrorists near the border of Mexico soon..though that just might be mah Tom Clancy senses :/

    Oagalthorp: Another Ranibow Six? Anyway, I think that the idea behind the War on Terror is fine, but the way we are accomplishing it isn’t. We need to focus on getting the the youth of the Middle East more pro-America and pro-freedom, which (despite what you may thing) they kind of already are. We also need to break out the ol’ heat ray humveys we have, that would help a LOT, considering they are non-lethal, can break up riots, and save thousands of American and Iraqi lives.

    P.S. If we do go to war soon, it would be against Iran. Or North Korea . . .

  78. That is a very good article. I am also at fault as is 2/3 of our country in focusing on the negatives that are still comparatively insignificant to the many positives that our country has. Instead of focusing on our nation’s minor problems, let us focus on improving the lives of the citizens of countries far less fortunate than us. So thank you Oagal, for reminding me of all the things I should be thankful for.

  79. remember to visit http://www.rebelnachos.wordpress.com for the lates war news

  80. i like the why part in the battle time and date thing

    k i will try to come

  81. Lemmy Koopa,tyou might have chased the Nachos out,but I was on my own,well 2 of my soldiers ca,e but didnt do anything,so after the ACP beat out most of the Nachos,I was still there and I have pics that are proof on my website!

    O ya LemmyKoopa I cant believe u joined ACP 2 days ago lol.

  82. Actually Corvette, thank Fort because he gave me that advice in the first place, and I was just passing it along, lol.

    P.S. Thanks Fort! 😀


  83. Lol, Lemmy is funny.

  84. OMG! Jeff Heelee died!!! 😮

  85. hey this is my first comment. i can’t see why the nachos think they win EVERYTHING. i’ve been in most of the battles and we win all the time! and also, did you see Rlin’s name? king Rlin!!!! that proves furthermore that the nachos are a dictatorship or a monarchy!

  86. The Nachos didn’t say they weren’t a monarchy in the first place. They call themselves the Nacho Empire.

  87. An Empire is a monarchy, right?

  88. Tomwolf: The war in Iraq was/is not worth it. Up until we went to war, nobody (or most) people didn’t know where Iraq/Afghanistan was. And, the only reason why people know Osama Bin Laden and Alqeida (spelled wrong XD) was. But eh, I think that we’ll be against Iran, Russia, or a group of terrorists near the border of Mexico soon..though that just might be mah Tom Clancy senses :/

    This isn’t really the place to debate the war in Iraq. I don’t know if it was worth it, (although I can’t prove it isn’t) and I don’t think Mexico is going to attack us. Iran and Russia WANT to attack us, but they’ll go after Israel first and lose. Well, America could be related to Israel, but we can’t really debate that here either.
    Oagalthorp: Russia doesn’t really want to attack us, and haven’t wanted to since 1991 when the Cold War ended.

    P.S. the reason Isreal hasn’t been pwned yet is because it has the United Nations’ help. Afterall, it was founded by the UN.

  89. Sir, is it true that Zippy’s sister died? I couldn’t figure out if it was true or another one of the Nachos’ lies.

  90. we just won a battle at the dojo on server mammoth! the nachos gave up cause we outnumbered them 5 to 2

  91. I’m glad we’re winning this war. If we weren’t, the Nachos would turn Mammoth into a CP Darfur.

  92. umm jatar i no zippy hes a decent guy and a lot of ppl lie about him he does not have a sister though O.o

  93. i mean the ambassader guy above him lol typo XD

  94. Goos job oagal uve showed some negative americans that we should be greatful

  95. ok ill will have the 100 coment

  96. 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  97. I never said mexico would attack XD take a look at the story behind Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter 1&2
    Though…we just gave a musical to N. Korea XD doubt anything will happen to them (maybe in a couple of years)

  98. wiifan do u mean you know him in real life or just on cp, cause on cp he is really mean. i’m sure he’s an awesome guy in real life!

  99. The war in Iraq is just more blood shed that we dont need. I dont know whats happened to this country ever since that imbasel BUSH came into office, theres just been more violence. and what is this war for Oil, freedom for the people of the middle east?? I dont think its worth it. Its hard to believe we are being beaten by an un organized army of rebels, thats one reasonwhy sometimes im ashamed to be an american… Because this war is blood for blood the terrorist will never cease to exist and the only reason their rebelling is because the dumb asses in washinton decided to bomb there country……… so just pull out the troops because aparently we arent ready to defeat an unorganized group of rebels which is hard to believe!!!!!!!!!!!!

  100. alright. HERE’S THE PROBLEM, PEOPLE! i think we SHOULD be in iraq, because of the shiites(spelled wrong XD) being so aggressive and there being a bunch of terrorists. That is the reason why we are still there today. BUT! The original reason for going into Iraq started a while ago. 7 years…

    It was September 11th, 2001. New President Tush(lolz) convinced most of the US that the iraqis were responsible for the attacks. BUT, at was actually Afganistan. they are the ones we should have been focused on, but we didnt focus much on them. Instead, Present Tush just wanted Iraq’s oil, so he convinced everybody that it was Iraq. That gave him an excuse to invade and grab the oil.

    THE MORALE OF THE STORY: Bush sucks. You agree, Oagal?

    March On!
    -The Jungle N

  101. what makes ppl think that the next president is gonna be better? he could be worse!(especially Obama, i mean cmon he is an muslum!)i think that anyone but obama would be better. who agrees? disagree? well say obama got elected, ok? he cuts off oil, which means no heating, then he says that all religons are banned except for muslum! that makes me pretty scared. and the oil thing, why are we depented on foighren(spelled wrong) oil, is it just we are too lazy to drill it ourselves? or is it the we just don’t wanna dig up our own ground to get it? cmon who agrees?

  102. Wrong, Jungle N. We went to Afghanistan first, and I don’t think those people have oil. The war is about terrorism not oil. George Bush is not anything like Akabob. George Bush started his war for the good of all Americans. Akabob started his war so that he could rule all of the servers on Club Penguin.

  103. He’s definitely made some mistakes, but I think GB isn’t that bad a guy. At least he didn’t have an affair like some presidents we know.

  104. Jatar, that’s a good question. Why can’t we drill our own oil? My guess is that most of it’s in Alaska, or that we do drill oil, but not enough to satisfy our countries needs. Or is it WANTS?

  105. Ogalthorp: P.S. the reason Isreal hasn’t been pwned yet is because it has the United Nations’ help. Afterall, it was founded by the UN.

    I sure hope the UN can pwn Islamism. The Islamists call Israel the little devil, and America the big devil. I’m not sure if Iraq’s the right place to be fighting them, but we have to fight them somewhere. Anywhere other than here on our own soil. If only we could be invading the Nachos instead of them invading us.

  106. Come on Ogal, the Israelis are the good guys and the Muslims are the bad guys.

  107. I know I am your enemy, Oagal,but I need to give you some advice,make a politics page!I dont even live in USA!I live in Cyprus!IS ANYBODY TALKING ABOUT MY COUNTRY??NO!

  108. oh ya i wasnt critizising anyone. ya that oil thing, we have it in texas and alaska! ppl are saying they found one of the largest oil deposits in alaska spanning into russia, but that stupid group greenpeace wont let us tear up the forest that it is in!!!

  109. We’re like Israel like this: We are merely defending ourselves against the Evil Empire that wants our land. They are overboard in how they hate us.

    Check out the Nachos comments here: http://zippy500nachos.wordpress.com/2008/02/27/battleacp-soldiersmessagemessage-2/#comments
    Gtracer has shown further evidence that Nachos are pure evil. Next thing we know he’s going to be giving us death threats. I say that we should call the cops on Gtracer, but we don’t know where he lives.

  110. g tracer’s comments are discusting, childish, and demeaning to all of club penguin and its armys! it is also critizizing!

  111. Yes, and it sounds like he takes Club Penguin war too seriously. If we act like 4 year olds as he says, then what he is suggesting is child abuse and illegal, I believe.

  112. Agreed. However, this whole war game became serious when Akabob posted a picture of a baby in a microwave on his site. If he hadn’t done that, Club Penguin Wars could carry on the way they did since the Snowball Wars. Man Club Penguin is going downhill because of these Nachos.

  113. We can’t get the oil because we can’t tear up the forest it is in? That explains a lot. I think that we should find an alternative to oil. Maybe our cars should run on ethanol.

  114. i have one thing to say: Akabob is a rwally sick guy! a baby in a microwave BLAUGHH!! WHO WANTS TO SEE SYCH A THING??? I BET HE THOUGT IT WAS FUNNY THAT SICKO

  115. and Akabob put a bunch of ads that are not appropriate for children on his website.

  116. i’d call the cops on him if i knew where he lived. him and Gtracer are a good team at getting themselves arrested

  117. youknow, i have one thing to say: LETS KICK THE NACHOS BUTTS!! THEY NEED KICKED OUT OF CP FOR LIFE

  118. Amen, brother, amen! G-d Bless You!

  119. I believe there is a devil because we have Akabob and Gtracer. I believe there is a G-d because ACP is winning the war against the Nachos.

  120. Well actually I believe in that stuff because I’m raised to believe in it, but yeah if there wasn’t a devil we wouldn’t have Akabob, and if there wasn’t a G-d we’d be losing this war.

  121. why are ppl saying g-d? why cant we say god on here?

  122. ehtanol? i guess that is possible but people dont wanna let things like oil go! it makes big $$$$$$!
    to bad too bad, and you know, things arent all bush’s fault! i think congress uses him as a patsy so everyone blames stuff on him! HE’S INNOCENT!(mostly LOL!) ok thats all i have to say! and again, HE’S A PATSY!!!! 🙂

  123. oops i spelled ethanol wrong 😦

  124. oh ya just to let u know i will be able to fight on saturday;-)

  125. I say G-d because that’s how the Jews spell it and the Nachos hate Jews cuz they had a picture of a Jewish baby in a microwave. Yeah, people just like to blame things on Bush because they don’t want to admit their mistakes, although he’s a little confused too, but then lots of politicians are. Actually, US would make more $$$$ from Ethanol because we’d be making it here instead of mining it in the Middle East.

  126. Just kidding, I don’t know if that baby was Jewish. But the baby was white, you could tell by the picture, and Jews are white. That picture proves that Akabob hates all white people.

  127. I’m not saying that whites are a holy people though. I’m white and Asian but I’ve had trouble getting accepted by both sides.

  128. oh, so thats why you spell it g-d! 🙂

  129. Yep, that’s why I spell it G-d.

  130. So basically, I’m against all racism.

  131. Oagal, I know you’re going to college, are you majoring in politics? btw I don’t think you’re gay you’ll probably meet a nice girl at ur new college.

  132. Ok I don’t know but I’m guessing because you’re quitiing.

  133. Star trekkin throughout the Universe roly poly things are getting worse!

  134. Oagal, I have other pictures of this

  135. i have other declassified photos of this, one showung another army

  136. um 1 millionth comment??? lol

  137. private1234jkl reporting for duty

  138. Wow this is one of my first acp posts. I really love acp. Maybe one day when I look back at this I will be leaders.

  139. 144th Comment! 😛

  140. 145 and im commenting an oagle post!

Army of Club Penguin [ACP]: let us know what you're thinking!