UK/US Recruiting Event; Celebrating Club Penguin




Today we decided to log on to Blizzard and have a recruiting session. As size started to increase after efforts, it became more of a party for everyone in the room. Soon we had a fairly concentrated horizontal line across the room with continuous hype phrases coming from rogues. As you will see in one picture, our event seemed to have emotionally touched a few people. The incredible passion and hype that was seen at the event also took place on chat during the event and for hours after.

About halfway through the event we got raided by some DCP autotypers that seemed to be trying to interrupt our event. However, we still continued with our celebration and they soon fled the room. Afterwards, since we indeed surpassed our goal, I decided to give out a total of 350 xats which were raffled away. We ended up maxing about 20 and averaging about 18. It was a special event, and it ended up being a blast!

17+ counted in this picture, and check out that tactic! Click here for counted picture.


Another really great picture. About 20 counted here! Click here for counted picture.


Once again, great job today everyone. This is how to end a week, and hopefully we can have even better events in the coming days.

