Ten Years of ACP; Rolling in the Double Digits

Important Posts to Read:

Salutations everyone,

It humbles me to finally be writing this post on this very important day in Club Penguin Army history. It’s almost unreal that ACP is still here after a whole decade. Oagalthorp created the ACP in 2006, and 10 years later we are here together celebrating this day where hard work and worthy perseverance is strongly remembered. After all that’s happened, we still fought our way through and ended up paving the way for other armies and other aspirations to follow in our wake.

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Happy 10th Anniversary ACP! [ US Event Results]

Important Posts to Read:

Ten Year Trivia #5

We’ve created history again

Wishing ACP a Happy Birthday from AR

Today was the 10th anniversary of the creation of the ACP. I know, it’s amazing to think about. The fact that this group, this team, this army, has been alive and active for 10 entire years is astounding. When I first joined ACP in 2008 I never envisioned the army alive for so long, and I bet neither did Oagal.

Who should get the credit for this great feat? You guys. All of you, each and every one. All of you soldiers who are currently active, all who are retired, all who ever participated in a practice or war whether you were ranked or unranked or even realized that we weren’t just a bunch of green penguins dancing around spouting the clover icons every so often, and sometimes managing to make sorta-circle-ish formations.

Now, what did we do today?

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We’ve created history again

Important Posts to Read (well for this post anyway):

10 Years of Leaders #Oagalthorp

10 Years of Leaders #Fort57

10 Years of Leaders #Dr Nono Jr and Rapidy

10 Years of Leaders #Kg007

10 Years of Leaders #Shaboomboom

10 Years of Leaders #Boomer 20

Image result for 10th birthday

Greetings, ACP.  Ten years ago, a guy called Oagalthorp created the Army of Club Penguin. Ten years later, we’re still here in this community despite numerous attempts to remove us from this community as well as challenges that we’ve over come together in the history of this army. Legends and their stories have begun here with people like  Oagalthorp, Boomer, Mchappy, Flipper, Kenneth and Flipmoo leaving their mark in ACP’s history and an even bigger one  CPA’s history.

“This is the Army of Club Penguin. It’s not just an army in Club Penguin” Oagalthrop


“The past is over and the future doesn’t exist yet. Do what you can while you can do it, and you’ll be set for the future you create.”Oagalthorp

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Wishing ACP A Happy Birthday

Army of the Republic | Welcome to the Ghosts |

Hio AR. I realize that I don’t post much, but I felt an obligation to post about such a truly remarkable day. 10 years ago, the Army of Club Penguin was created by Oagalthorp. On September 29, 2006, Oagalthorp created the Army of Club Penguin and incessantly aspired to make it the best army it could be. 10 years later, ACP still resides in the community, which is truly astounding. Not once has ACP fallen to the point of death within its lifetime, and we must recognize that while a myriad of various other armies in the community have fallen during some point in their lifetime or died entirely, ACP has stayed unceasingly strong and alive while overcoming ostensibly insuperable obstacles. For that, I would personally like to congratulate ACP on such an accomplishment, and would like to thank them for all they have given to the community over the…

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Ten Year Trivia #5


Day 5? Thank god we are almost done!

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!


Through out the entire history of the ACP we have been force to be reckoned with. This was especially true 3rd Golden Age during the leadership of Mchappy, and was continued under Kenneth and Flipper. After leading for over a year Kenneth and Flipper retired on July 1st 2012, many troops considered this the official fall of the ACP. Who were the 2 other owners who retired this day which contributed to the fall?



Ten Year Trivia #4


Are you not ready for day 4? I bet you aren’t.

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!


The ACP is well know for it highly trained and dedicated soldiers, with many soldiers remaining in the army for years at a time. Some examples include  Mchappy, Purpleslime, Oagalthorp, and Shaboomer but one soldier has surpassed all of them. Who is the longest serving troop of all time and what/is his most recent rank?

Ten Year Trivia #3


Day 3 takes the lead

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!

World War V is a very important war in ACP history. Here we fought the mighty Night Warriors and the Nachos. During the most important battle we maxed over 100 troops online. What is the name of this battle and who was leader at the time?

Leader Board:

I just realized it is impossible for me to make these things a day early and do a leader board… oops.

UK Joint event with Nachos

Important Posts to Read:

Ten Year Trivia #2

Ten Year Trivia #1

Ten Year Anniversary schedule



Greetings, ACP.  Today the UK division had an unscheduled joint event with Nachos where we managed to max twenty together unfortunately we did experience some issues with a few bots afterwards we had a connect four tournament on chat. Carry on reading for pictures of the event

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Ten Year Trivia #2


Note to UK troops: This post is US biased to due to time scheduling difficulties. To counter this I will make sure all further post are ready a day in advance so UK troops have a chance to answer first. Sorry the inconvenience.

Can you handle day 2?

The rules are simple so pay close attention and do good.  The first three people to answer the question correctly will be given 3, 2, or 1 point(s) respectively. The person with the most points at the end of the competition will get temp owner and 40 xats, second price will get temp mod and 20 xats, finally third prize will get just 10 xats. Read all that? Good now time for the question!


In 2008 the legendary Boomer20 was made the 6th leader of the ACP. His reign would be known as ACP’s “Second Golden Age” to many troops, were we would regularly max over seventy at “small” events. On what day did Boomer20 take the helm of the ACP?

Leader Board:

1st. Sonic (3 points)

2nd. Noka (2 Points)

UK Raid of North Pole

Important Posts to Read:

10th Anniversary Reunion dates

10th Anniversary Day 1 Trivia

10 Years of Leaders #Boomer 20

Double Figures


Greetings, ACP. Today we started our 10th Anniversary celebrations off with a raid of Teuton’s capital North Pole where we maxed 15 with some decent tactics. Unfortunately, Teutons didn’t attend because they were already busy in an event but we did have a wild RPF leader show up. After that we had a rock and roll party on plug.dj which was hosted by Mondo followed by some songs requested by troops. Make sure to carry on reading for pictures.


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