Join Page

The Join page is now up to date through August 1st, 2009.  All recruits who left a comment now have a rank in the  ACP. Please check the ranks page for your new rank and WELCOME ALL, TO THE ACP!!


Echo Wins Practice War!


The 3rd ACP Practice War with new divisions was one of the most exciting yet.  Check out the official battle summary below.

In the beginning of the battle, Echo quickly gained a good lead due to good organization and tactics, leaving Alpha and Delta in the dust.  Alpha was only able to gain a single point in Echo’s quick start and Delta none.  After about 10 minutes, Alpha was able to get more situation and organized and began to close the gap between itself and Echo.  At some times, Alpha came within 3 points of tieing with Echo, but Echo continued to pull away.  In the end, Delta was able to gain a single point, avoiding a shut out.


Echo: 11  Alpha: 7  Delta: 1

Now, here are the all-time records of the divisions in practice wars.

1st Echo: 2-1

1st Alpha: 2-1

2nd: Delta 1-2

Great job to everyone!  Thank you for coming!

Also, thank you to Batin for helping me judge the practice war!


2nd Part of the Government Post: Electoral College

EDIT: This voting Government might be discarded.

You may have heard of the Electoral College from the United States Government.

In the United Sates the Electoral College is(information provided by

Presidential electors are selected on a state-by-state basis, as determined by the laws of each state. Each state currently uses its statewide popular vote on Election Day to appoint electors. Although ballots list the names of the presidential candidates, voters within the 50 states and Washington, D.C. actually choose electors for their state when they vote for President and Vice President. These presidential electors in turn cast electoral votes for those two offices. Even though the aggregate national popular vote is calculated by state officials and media organizations, the national popular vote is not the basis for electing a President or Vice President.

A candidate must receive an absolute majority of electoral votes (currently 270) to win the Presidency.

Or in other words: Groups of people from congress, (in Illinois 21; 2 Senators, 19 Representatives) cast an electoral vote for the person the majority of their area’s people voted for.

An example would be: If the majority of the electoral votes for Illinois was 17 for candidate A and 4 votes for canditate  B, candidate A would get all 21 of Illinois’ votes.

If you still don’t understand let the school house of rock tell you:

I am going to take this flaw in the United States government, and turn it into something useful for the Army of Club Penguin.

First, the leader personally selects3-5 people from each Division to be in the Electoral College of the ACP. These people must be unbiased and independent of their choices.

Then, the soldiers would vote normally saying what division they are in and whom they are voting for. This gets tallied in each division and the candidate with the majority of the votes get the 3-5 votes from the members of the electoral college.

Finally, if the electoral college doesn’t agree with the choices the soldiers made they can over rule the soldiers vote with a: 10 to 5 vote, 8 to 4 vote, or 6 to 3 vote. (Depending on the number of people from each division that are in the electoral college.)

Example:The soldiers in Echo and Delta Division vote for candidate A but Alpha Division votes for candidate B, candidate A would win unless (with an Electoral college of 12 persons) someone wants to call for an Electoral vote. If the Electoral vote is 8 votes for candidate B and 4 for candidate A,  then candidate B would become the next leader of the Army of Club Penguin.

This would be into effect after Dryvit’s term.

I know that most of you will not be happy about this, but it is for the best. This way we have a small chance of having equality vote instead of a popularity choice.

*~*Saint1119 ACP Soon to be retired Leader*~*

All NG members are to be BANNED and FIRED due to their rebellious actions, to the to-be leader.

Server Wide Practice War TODAY!

For the first time in a long time, I would like to announce a new Practice War!  The battle will be Echo vs. Delta vs. Alpha ina  server wide battle on Klondike.  Each division will start in a room (base).  When the battle begins the divisions will be able to move around the server and battle their fellow divisions.  Judges (all of the leaders who can make it) will be around the server giving points to teams who are using strategies and skills that count for points.  At the end of the battle (the battle will be a half hour long) whichever division with the most points wins.  For times and more info, read the next section of this post below.

Date: August 1st

Time: 2:00 PM Penguin Standard Time

Server: Klondike

Alpha Base: Ski Village

Delta Base: Town

Echo Base: Cove

NOTE: Each Division leader must give commands from their own division chat.  Also, the 1st and 2nd Generals will be leading this battle.

I hope everyone can make it to this exciting upcoming event!
