ACPTR Graduates!

Dryvit’s Edit: Congrats to all the recent graduates. Your ranks have been updated. Once again, great job to Tylo and his fellow cadre. Thanks for your hard work and dedication.

Hola Ladies and Gentlemen of the ACP!  It is my honor to present this months graduates from the ACP Training Regiment, and the ranks they should recieve!  So I ask that Dryvit or any other leaders update the ranks accordingly.

Thanks to all the ACPTR staff who helped out this month, and special thanks to Matre10 for setting up the graduation, and writing the graduates list that I shall be using in this post!

Disclaimer> If your actual Rank is higher than the one you currently have you stay with the higher rank you had

Blue Team Graduated Cadets

Danny9632     A+ Gets the Rank Captain on ACP!

Leaderbird     A+ Gets the Rank Captain on ACP!

Green Team graduated Cadets

Srgt Flame     A+ Gets the Rank Captain on ACP!

Red Team:

Red Team Graduated Cadets

Walewaf     B Gets the Rank 2nd Lieutenant on ACP!

Sown Man     A Gets the Rank 1st Lieutenant on ACP!

FredFred Bur     A+ Gets the Rank Captain on ACP!

Black Team graduated cadets

Scruffy516     B+ Gets the Rank 2nd Lieutenant on ACP!

Tomphas     A Gets the Rank 1st Lieutenant on ACP!

Okay then, moving on!

Now, to everyone who may think that my War Server idea has just died, it has not.  The WSO (War Server Organization) now has a site:

It isn’t anything fancy, and still needs some work.  But this site will now be our “base of operations”.  If you would like to join the WSO, pc me on chat.  Spots are limited, so keep that in mind!

Alright, that’s all I have to say right now.  Oh, here’s a catch-phrase:

“Oh, and Squidward.  You don’t wear pants.”  -Spongebob Squarepants


War On Ice Ninjas *AND TACTICS*

UPDATE: Since MCP defeated CP Ice Ninjas yesterday and claimed Glacier, Delta will now be invading Grizzly for the purpose of claiming it. Due to circumstances beyond my control (Parents) I cannot attend the the invasion. I have faith in our leaders and feel victory is all but assured.
Ok, so some nOOb army called the CP Ice Ninjas have declared war on ACP. They have it scheduled for Sept 5, 2009. I say why wait! Lets go to war now. So ACP officially has declared war on the CP Ice Ninjas. We will invade their 3 servers at once on Sunday, August 30, at 2:pm Eastern time. The invasion will last exactly 30 minutes. The servers will then be donated to needy armies.  The following are the server assignments. Lets show them what ACP has to offer!!! WOOT!!!

Alpha: Crystal @ Snow Forts

Delta: Grizzly @ Snow Forts

Echo: Avalanche @ Snow Fort

If you are not in a division, pick a server to help invade.

Oagal: (notice how I put it at the bottom ;))

A few “people” are under the impression that the ACP has no tactics. Well, let me go over some of the ancient strategies we had back in my day :mrgreen:

After the leader gives an order, every soldier should either repeat the emote or type it. For example, if the leader orders a charge, everyone should either make the Clover emote or just say “charge.” That way even the noobs know what to do.
I suggest Dryvit holds a training session so all of you get some practice with these commands.
Heart = Regroup at the bottom of the screen
Heart = Regroup at the bottom of the screen
Joystick = Follow the ACP leader
Joystick = Follow the ACP leader
Coffee = Surround the enemy
Coffee = Surround the enemy
Mad Face: Stand in a horizontal (side-to-side) line
Mad Face = Stand in a horizontal (side-to-side) line
Sick Face: Stand in a vertical (up and down) line
Sick Face = Stand in a vertical (up and down) line
Clover = Charge the enemy
Clover = Charge the enemy

Fox: *cough cough* Apo *cough*