Top 10 Armies | 8/17/09

Disclaimer: These lists do not reflect the opinions of ACP, they were created solely by myself. If you don’t like your placement in the first list, use it as motivation to work harder and prove me wrong. The second list is purely based on statistics, so there’s really no way to argue that. It is what it is. Enjoy.

This first list takes into account battle attendence, chat attendence, and site views. I hope for this to be used as motivation if you think I ranked you low, or as encouragement for working hard if you are listed towards the top.

The rating after the army shows how the army’s positioning has changed from the last one (August 10th). I will update these every week, so we will hopefully get a better sense of how each army is doing. Feel free to post these on your site, but make sure you give me credit.

Note: The number in brackets represents how much their position has changed from last week (N/A represents no change).

  1. ACP (Army of Club Penguin) [+1]
  2. Nachos [-1]
  3. IW (Ice Warriors) [N/A]
  4. FW (Fire Warriors) [N/A]
  5. DW (Dark Warriors) [+1]
  6. BP (Black Panthers) [-1]
  7. WW (Watex Warriors) [N/A]
  8. ST (Shadow Troops) [N/A]
  9. UMA (Underground Mafias Army) [+2]
  10. RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation) [N/A]


   11.    IMAF (Impossible Mission Army Force) [-2]


This week was not extremely exciting since most of the armies didn’t move anywhere in the list.  The biggest change was ACP regaining the top spot from the Nachos after a big week viewer-wise.  The Nachos were dropped to second after RPF’s views were removed from their total, and the Nachos’ new viewer averages were actually below what I expected.  In addition, ACP chat regularly has more people online than Nacho chat, and recently, IW chat has even had more people on chat than the Nachos.  Not to mention IW had 35 soldiers at their latest battle, so we could see a new face at number two in the coming weeks.  DW and BP also switched places after DW’s massive victory over IMAF (they had 20+ at times) forced me to put them ahead of BP’s 15 soldier victory over ST a week ago.  UMA moved up from 11th last week to 9th this week after they ranged between 5-9 soldiers during a poorly organized battle with RPF (who remained in 10th after only having about 4-7 during the battle).  IMAF fell out of the list after getting destroyed by DW (even with ST’s help), having only about 5 soldiers at the battle.

This Week’s Featured Army:

DW (Dark Warriors)

I can happily say that you have proved me wrong after I gave you some lower rankings a few weeks back.  You have steadily improved and are close to your initial size when you shocked us all just before the invasion of Tundra over a month ago.  DW’s last battle attendence against IMAF and ST was impressive.  They generated 15-20 soldiers throughout the battle while defeating both IMAF (#9) and ST (#8) simultaneously last week, size that rivals them with FW.  Their hits are still fairly low compared to other armies of their size, but their success on the battlefield can be attributed to many loyal and active soldiers and solid tactics.  The color black does give them a recruiting edge over armies of most other colors.  Hopefully you will be happier with me now that I have ranked you 5th (but don’t get me wrong, you deserved it).

Next is the ratings based purely on viewership of your site.

If you want your army to be listed here, make sure you have a Whos.Amung.Us widget on your site, and then give me your site’s link. I will add you to the list.

Here is the list so far (the first number is the average number of viewers at one time [average throughout the day] over the span of a week, the second number is the average maximum number of viewers the site had during the day over the span of a week, and the third number in brackets is how many positions the army moved up from last week):

Note: Green means it went up, Red means it went down, Yellow means it didn’t change

  1. ACP (Army of Club Penguin) | 13.1 [1.0] | 39.4 [4.4] | [N/A]
  2. Nachos | 11.7 [N/A] | 30.7 [N/A] | [N/A]
  3. IW (Ice Warriors) | 3.1 [1.1] | 17.7 [5.6] | [+1]
  4. FW (Fire Warriors) | 3.0 [0.3] | 13.9 [1.5] | [-1]
  5. RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation) | 2.5 [N/A] | 10.5 [N/A] | [+3]
  6. WW (Watex Warriors) | 2.1 [0.4] | 9.7 [1.7] | [N/A]
  7. ST (Shadow Troops) | 2.0 [0.7] | 9.1 [2.0] | [+2]
  8. UMA (Underground Mafias Army) | 1.9 [0.3] | 10.0 [0.7] | [-1]
  9. IMAF (Impossible Mission Army Force) | 1.4 [0.5] | 8.3 [0.7] | [-4]
  10. DW (Dark Warriors) | 1.3 [0.3] | 7.4 [1.1] | [+1]
  11. BP (Black Panthers) | 1.1 [N/A] | 9.1 [N/A] | [N/A]
  12. BB (Black Bandits) | 1.0 [0.0]| 5.6 [0.2] | [+1]
  13. CPRA (Club Penguin Rulers Army) | 1.0 [0.0] | 4.7 [0.9] | [-1]
  14. Romans | 1.0 [0.1] | 4.4 [1.7] | [-4]


RPF added a new widget so that it contained only their own views, which in turn made the Nachos counter no longer count the additional views from the RPF site.  With both the Nachos and RPF’s counters being accurate, we can now see that ACP has a clear lead in views over the Nachos site, and the RPF site is now the 5th most viewed, moving them 3 spots up the list.  IW had another good week, and they regained their spot as the 3rd most viewed site.  WW, ST, and UMA all had good weeks, increasing their average viewership, and IMAF expectedly fell after the shockingly high numbers they posted last week.  DW also increased, as many of the lower-numbered sites changed positions in the list.  BP now has their own widget and were added to the list with surprisingly low numbers for an army of their size, meaning most of their size is due to fiercely loyal soldiers and not just sheer numbers.

This Week’s Most Improved Army:

RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation)

RPF finally got their own widget separate from the joint one they held with the Nachos previously, and their numbers were remarkably high for their current size.  Although they are growing, they still aren’t as large as some of the armies below them on the list.  This is probably due to a large amount of inactive soldiers, however adding more battles and practices should get more activity going.  The good news for now, your site is receiving a lot of hits, meaning you have an easier task in recruiting than do other armies who’s sites don’t receive as much viewer traffic.

How to Get Recognized:

  • Make sure you get on Club Penguin frequently, and take a lot of pics
  • Post the best ones on your site so people appreciate your size
  • Get a Whos.Among.Us widget for your site so you and others can keep track of how many viewers your site gets at any one time, or over a period of time
  • Make a habit of entering your army in tournaments or attending battles as an ally so other major armies get used to seeing you around Club Penguin

Any more questions, talk to me on chat.
