FA Invades Breeze Tommorow

Dryvit”s edit:  More posts below!!

Boomer’s Edit: FA changed the battle times to Saturday, but we went through with the original plan so we could get some practice.  We had about 40 people on CP and 45+ on chat.  I’m not sure if anyone was technically leading since our opponent was a smaller army I’d never heard of, but whoever did, nice job.  Thanks to everyone who showed up, and we’ll be back Saturday for the real thing.

Tommorow, for no apparent reason, the Federation Army will be invading Breeze.  Considering our website is well on its way to 2,000,000 hits and there site has 152, I think it will be easy to defend our server from this pointless army and invasion.

When: Saturday

Where: Breeze Snow Forts

Why: To defend a pointless invasion.


  • 11:00 Penguin Standard Time
  • 12:00 Mountain
  • 1:00 Central
  • 2:00 Eastern Standard Time
  • 7:00 United Kingdom
  • Comment if you can make it and kick some butt!



First off, read the posts below.  They include: Boomer owning NextGen, !!!!!Shab’s contest winners!!!!, and Movie sign-ups (I should so be the evil guy, don’t you think?).

Okay, now, onto one of the only posts I’ve written where I’m not abusing my powers (well, at least I don’t act like I’m NOT abusing them).

This post is to tell anyone under the rank of captain to go check out the ACPTR!  It’s been changed up a bit, so you should really check it out.  Just join on the join page.

Well, here’s the link: http://acpbootcamp.wordpress.com

Yeah, I think that’s it…  Just wanted to advertise us for this month.

Wow, this post wasn’t NEARLY funny enough.  So, I leave you with this…


Okay, in the words of Peyton Manning: It’s on, like Donkey Kong! (I needed a new catch phrase…)


Top 10 Armies | 8/3/09

Disclaimer: These lists do not reflect the opinions of ACP, they were created solely by myself.  If you don’t like your placement in the first list, use it as motivation to work harder and prove me wrong.  The second list is purely based on statistics, so there’s really no way to argue that.  It is what it is.  Enjoy.

This first list takes into account battle attendence, chat attendence, and site views.  I hope for this to be used as motivation if you think I ranked you low, or as encouragement for working hard if you are listed towards the top.

The rating after the army shows how the army’s positioning has changed from the last one (July 20th).  I will update these every week, so we will hopefully get a better sense of how each army is doing.  Feel free to post these on your site, but make sure you give me credit.

  1. Nachos  [+1]
  2. ACP (Army of Club Penguin)  [-1]
  3. IW (Ice Warriors) [N/A]
  4. FW (Fire Warriors) [N/A]
  5. WW (Watex Warriors) [N/A]
  6. BP (Black Panthers) [+1]
  7. ST (Shadow Troops) [+3]
  8. DW (Dark Warriors) [-2]
  9. UMA (Underground Mafias Army) [-1]
  10. RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation) [-1]


Based on recent battle photos, it appears that the Nachos have surpassed ACP as Club Penguin’s largest army.  Since ACP has not had any recent photos of itself as a whole (merely separate brigades), this could be inaccurate, and may change again next week.  The Nachos are undeniably a large army, and after recent difficulties with hackers, appear poised to continue to distance themselves from the rest of the armies (exception being ACP, which still compares in size).  The only comparable evidence towards either side now, is that in wars between ACP and the Nachos a few weeks ago, while ACP was at its peak on a particular server, the Nachos were occasionally smaller or at least the same size.  There is a difference between recruiting size and battle size, and most armies, Nachos included, don’t have as many soldiers when there is another army in the room to steal recruits.  Tactically speaking, the Nachos have very impressive charges, lines, and other groupings, and thus, I give them the edge this week.

This Week’s Featured Army:

ST (Shadow Troops)

After a strong showing in a battle against ACP’s Delta Brigade (they numbered around 15 for the entire battle, as well as a full chat), I was forced to move them up from 10th to 7th, forcing armies like DW down the list yet again.  Because of consistently improving armies like ST and BP, the armies behind them, though they are not necessarily falling, are not growing quick enough to keep up.  WW, BP, ST, and DW are all very close in size, and will probably change order next week.  My reasoning was that WW still had a consistent sized chat, and their site receives the most hits from that list.  BP’s chat is always large, but they don’t always seem organized on CP despite their size.  ST has a reasonable amount on chat and have great battle attendence.  They are beginning to receive more hits, and continue to grow.  DW, which was potentially the 3rd or 4th largest army about a month ago, has suffered from a crossover from the Golds and countless retirements by its leaders.  At recent battles, they seem to number in the 8-12 range (the most I saw was 13), putting them slightly below WW and BP and on par with ST’s average a few weeks ago.  ST’s recent growth spurt and well fought battle against ACP Delta convinced me to move them up.

Next is the ratings based purely on viewership of your site.

If you want your army to be listed here, make sure you have a Whos.Among.Us widget on your site, and then give me your site’s link.  I will add you to the list.

Here is the list so far (the first number is the average number of viewers at one time [average throughout the day] over the span of a week, the second number is the average maximum number of viewers the site had during the day over the span of a week):

Note: Green means it went up, Red means it went down

  1. ACP (Army of Club Penguin)  |  12.0 [0.1]  |  32.3 [0.1]  [N/A]
  2. Nachos*  |  N/A  |  N/A  |  [N/A]
  3. IW (Ice Warriors)  |  3.1 [0.4]  |  12.8 [1.2]  [N/A]
  4. FW (Fire Warriors)  |  3.0 [0.9]  |  10.4 [1.7]  |  [N/A]
  5. WW (Watex Warriors)  |  1.6 [0.3]  |  9.3 [0.7]  [N/A]
  6. ST (Shadow Troops)  |  1.5 [0.2]  |  9.9 [0.5]  [N/A]
  7. DW (Dark Warriors)  |  1.4 [0.4]  |  9.6 [1.7]  |  [+1]
  8. UMA (Underground Mafias Army)  |  1.3 [N/A]  |  6.9 [N/A]  |  [N/A]
  9. RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation)*  |  N/A  |  N/A  |  [-2]
  10. IMAF (Impossible Mission Army Force)  |  1.0 [0.0]  |  7.0 [0.6]  [-1]
  11. BB (Black Bandits)  |  1.0 [0.1]  |  5.8 [0.6]  |  [+1] [N/A]
  12. Romans  |  0.9 [N/A]  |  6.3 [N/A]  |  [N/A]
  13. CPRA (Club Penguin Rulers Army)  |  1.0 [0.0]  |  3.9 [2.8]  [-3]

*Still working on a more accurate way to measure due to widget displaying hits from other sites in addition to their own, delayed because of my vacation (sorry), they are estimates

Note: As you can see from the above list, the Top 6 Armies did not change positions, and the smaller armies (because they have lower and closer numbers to each other) will change positions requently.

Larger armies without widgets (in order by estimated hits count):

  1. BP (Black Panthers)

This Week’s Most Improved Army:

FW (Fire Warriors)

The Fire Warriors are the only army widely recognized as major that was not a major army back with the Big 6 (ACP, RPF, UMA, Nachos, WW, IW).  They were created through a series of merges of medium armies, and they continue to grow.  They got as many as 15-20 soldiers at some of their battles, and they’re making a run at the 3rd place spot held by IW that 2 weeks ago seemed unreachable.

How to Get Recognized:

  • Make sure you get on Club Penguin frequently, and take a lot of pics
  • Post the best ones on your site so people appreciate your size
  • Get a Whos.Among.Us widget for your site so you and others can keep track of how many viewers your site gets at any one time, or over a period of time
  • Make a habit of entering your army in tournaments or attending battles as an ally so other major armies get used to seeing you around Club Penguin

Any more questions, talk to me on chat.



Mr. Bear Contest Results HERE!

2nd Edit: Our site has now had 100,000 hits in 6 straight months!

Edit: FYI, Dry isn’t leader yet, I didn’t think I needed to explain that one…

I’m back from vacation and glad to see things are a bit more stable than when I left.

I just wanted to explain something…

People are making a big deal about ACP not voting for it’s leaders.  Let’s run through the armies and see how they handled the same situation last time around.

No Election:

  • ACP – Leaders pick the best leader for the army (has worked well)
  • UMA – Had elections for Co-Leaders, then after rebellion, new leaders were chosen, not elected
  • WW – Wii and Spacey were leaders for a while, but new leaders chosen by former leaders


  • RPF – Election, got screwed up 3 or so times and was redone each time, and they ended up with someone most people don’t like anymore

Didn’t need one recently:

  • Nachos – Have had the same leaders for maybe 8 months so I don’t remember how they do it
  • IW – Icey has always been the leader (lol)

From that, I would say that most armies either haven’t needed to vote or didn’t vote, and those have been the best off.  The army that did (RPF), is trapped in a downward spiral and probably needs the most help of any of them.  The ACP Nation page will be updated shortly, because we aren’t a Democratic-Republic, and neither are any of the armies up there.

If you care to know, we are (to the best of my knowledge), defined as a Congressional Oligarchy (Oligarchy = Group of Leaders, Congressional = We have a working Congress).  The Nachos are, in my opinion, the closest thing to a democracy since they elect most major positions and have a council of some sort.  Because Club Penguin Nations and Governments were created just to protect and govern servers, the terms don’t fit well.  For example, the Nachos are something like a Democratic Congressional Oligarchy, because while they elect their leaders, power is shared by a group of leaders (oligarchy) rather than by a single elected individual.  Best not to complain about it because we’re all pretty much the same.


Mr. Bear Contest Winners!!!

There were a lot of people who submitted pictures for the Mr. Bear contest but Mr. Wolf and I, Mr. Bear, could only pick 1 picture each.  The winners are……..

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