Operation Exodus

Shab: I’m going for an editing streak. Its my b-day Aug. 20th wOOt wOOt

Dryvit’s edit: I have to give credit to Omega and Commando of NG. They were very very helpful in stopping the publication of IP info. The site is now locked down, as soon as they get their personal word press accounts  un suspended, they will delete the site.  My father has spoke to both and feels as I do, they were set up by a rogue NG member. On this issue, NG and ACP put their differences aside for the betterment of the soldiers. For that I am thankful. For all of NG’s faults, they are decent people when the chips are down. Where we go from here I do not know. I just wanted to thank Omega and Commando as well as Emperer Josh, publicly for their help and honesty in this matter.

Last night I alluded to the secret site of NG. Well for you people worried about operation Exodus, have no fear.  See above >

War is not the answer, Nacho elections IS.

Shab: Aka retired. Is there still a war?

Dryvit’s edit: Boomer is correct, I have offered amnesty and it was accepted by 3 former high ranking ACP soldiers. Rapidy accepted , but only to try to destroy us from the inside, by his own admission, and was again banned. I guess rapidy prefers the outside looking in.

Boomer’s Edit: Person’s response in his newest post was actually very good, however Aka couldn’t handle Person standing up to him and almost retired.  Anyway, Aka made a point to say:

“And y’know, you also can’t forget everyone getting banned forever with no hope of returning to ACP.”

Actually we’ve already welcomed back a group of them, and we’ve even offered Rapidy Lt. General (a high mod rank) if he would come back.  I am pretty sure Dry has and will continue to allow NG members back into ACP.  Thought I’d clear that up.

Shab: I know Aka will say that Nachos own all servers cause Acp surrendered but we didn’t. Aka’s reasons for war has just broken the whole system and theory of cp warfare. Cp warfare is based on the honor system, the belief that the defeated army will give up its servers and etc. Once Nachos declared war to change the government and ranks of Acp, they ruined the system.

Unless Aka and all the other people who think that it is possible to demand an election for leader with a war, then Acp can make crazy claims too. We could say that because we beat IW in a battle, that Meat is now leader of IW. Would Iw accept it? No they wouldnt and they wouldn’t have to. Nachos would step in and say that Acp isnt the world police and that they dont have the right. Where are Nachos now?

There is no and will be no war as long as everyone wants to continue having wars in CP that are not just a contest to see who posted that they won first and who has the most armies that agree with them.

After reading Shab and Boomers well thought out words of wisdom, I decided I agree with them. ACP will not be a part of any war based on changing another armies government. Until the time comes that the Nachos have a newly elected set of leaders, and every army that agreed to support them in their bid for CP tirany has elected leaders, we will not agree to any wars. The arogance of any one army thinking they can force the change of leadership or means of governing because they do not agree, is beyond my abilty to reason. AKA is not in this for anything but the destruction of  ACP and to stop the questions of why not elections now for the Nachos? And why not? If AKA and Linkin are truly in this just to force democracy now, then start by showing us how it works. Declare a Nacho election today, right now AKA. Put your money where that mouth of your is. But you won’t. You will posture on about how you are different and besides you plan elections in march.  10 months from now, 10 months. Nearly 2 years after you took power? I think the Nachos deserve better. I challenge you, nay I dare you to hold elections, now. In fact all armies have elections now. If all the other armies are so quick to follow the Nachos, they will be happy to hold elections too. See if Trickster could ever be elected to anything. See if no other Nacho truly does  want to be leader or have a new leader as AKA claims. But I know and you know the nachos and no other army will declare open elections for new leaders. Because this war was never about democracy. This was about bringing  a change to ACP only. Reminds me of the 1940’s if my history teacher was right.

War with the Nachos

Person told me this morning that the Nachos wouldn’t go to war, unfortunately he wasn’t much of a match for Aka and Linkin, so the Nachos declared war because they wanted a war.  This could be good for us too, although the last war we had with them was painfully boring for both sides.  Could be better since both armies aren’t as large, who knows.  I’m not sure what Dry thinks and I’m not sure what the Nachos think, but it would make sense to me to keep it between us two since the last one ended badly for all the armies involved (Golds collapsed and everyone else lost size, including ACP and the Nachos), plus we can’t fit more than just us in a room xD.  It’s like detonating a bomb inside a closet, too much power, not much space.  Dry hasn’t been on but I guess he can update you shortly.  We need something to do though.


A Possible Practice Battle

First, check the posts below (I always say this, don’t I?).

Now, onto the point of this post:

I was thinking: We should have a PB where all three divisions are involved, BUT they aren’t facing eachother.  So I came up with this:

The ACP’s Delta Division would face the Black Panthers at the Snow Forts

The ACP’s Echo Division would face the FW in the Town

The ACP’s Alpha Division would face the DW at the Soccer Pitch

The battles would only last thirty minutes, and we could have neutral judges at both battles.  This way, we plus three other armies get some good practice, AND we get the opportunity to face the tactics of other armies.

Now, this isn’t approved by any leaders, so it isn’t necessarily going to happen.  But I think it would be a good idea and would like for the leaders to at least consider doing it.

Well, I don’t feel like posting a pic, so here’s another catch-phrase, courtesy of Mr. Krabs:

What doesn’t kill you the first time usually succeeds in a second attempt.


P.S. If you’re under the rank of captain, join the ACPTR: http://acpbootcamp.wordpress.com

Top 10 Armies | 8/10/09

Disclaimer: These lists do not reflect the opinions of ACP, they were created solely by myself.  If you don’t like your placement in the first list, use it as motivation to work harder and prove me wrong.  The second list is purely based on statistics, so there’s really no way to argue that.  It is what it is.  Enjoy.

This first list takes into account battle attendence, chat attendence, and site views.  I hope for this to be used as motivation if you think I ranked you low, or as encouragement for working hard if you are listed towards the top.

The rating after the army shows how the army’s positioning has changed from the last one (August 3rd).  I will update these every week, so we will hopefully get a better sense of how each army is doing.  Feel free to post these on your site, but make sure you give me credit.

  1. Nachos  [N/A]
  2. ACP (Army of Club Penguin)  [N/A]
  3. IW (Ice Warriors)  [N/A]
  4. FW (Fire Warriors)  [N/A]
  5. BP (Black Panthers)  [+1]
  6. DW (Dark Warriors)  [+2]
  7. WW (Watex Warriors)  [-2]
  8. ST (Shadow Troops)  [-1]
  9. IMAF (Impossible Mission Army Force)*  [N/A]
  10. RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation)  [N/A]


   11.    UMA (Underground Mafias Army)  [-2]

*Not in the Top 10 last week


The Nachos still appear to have the slightest size edge over ACP, however I haven’t seen any recent pics of their battles to know otherwise.  In addition, the Top 4 armies all remained the same again this week.  Other than BP, who appear to have grown in size from last week, numbers 6 through 8 are deceiving in that WW moved down the list, therefore DW, which remains about the same size, was forced to fill the spot vacated by WW.  ST appeared to lose some size in a recent practice with BP, as compared to their larger showing with ACP last week, and they moved down one as well.  IMAF was the surprise army this week, making the Top 10 for the first time.  At a recent practice, they numbered as many as 12, which alone would have put them past RPF, ST, and even WW in some of their recent battles, however lower attendance at other battles kept them at number 9.

This Week’s Featured Army:

UMA (Underground Mafias Army)

You’re probably asking yourself why an army I didn’t even list in the Top 10 is the featured army.  This is because I honestly have no clue whatsoever how big they are, and I felt it unfair to put them past other armies when they may not be.  Realistically however, UMA is a Top 10 army, even more so now that they had their recruiting.  Unfortunately they seem to have the same problem that the Golds had, which is their army is comprised almost entirely of leaders.  The only soldiers that are sticking around are the ones who have power, and those who don’t have become inactive.  My recommendation now that you had some recruiting and hopefully got some new soldiers, schedule a practice battle so your soldiers have something to do.  Don’t forget to take pictures.  If you have a good battle, make sure everyone knows.  Being able to post pics of a battle where you destroyed the opponent is an easy way to pump up your army and encourage them to be active.  Other than the recruiting pics, they haven’t posted a battle pic in over a week (and the last one was of ACP vs. ST, not even them).  Put simply, you need to schedule practices and get on CP or that recruiting will have been a waste of time for you and the Nachos.  Recruiting alone only keeps your army alive if you give the soldiers something to do.

Next is the ratings based purely on viewership of your site.

If you want your army to be listed here, make sure you have a Whos.Among.Us widget on your site, and then give me your site’s link.  I will add you to the list.

Here is the list so far (the first number is the average number of viewers at one time [average throughout the day] over the span of a week, the second number is the average maximum number of viewers the site had during the day over the span of a week):

Note: Green means it went up, Red means it went down, Yellow means it didn’t change

  1. ACP (Army of Club Penguin)  |  12.1 [0.1]  |  35.0 [2.7]  [N/A]
  2. Nachos*  |  N/A  |  N/A  |  [N/A]
  3. FW (Fire Warriors)  |  2.7 [0.3]  |  15.4 [5.0]  |  [+1]
  4. IW (Ice Warriors)  |  2.0 [1.1]  |  12.1 [0.7]  [-1]
  5. IMAF (Impossible Mission Army Force)  |  1.9 [0.9]  |  9.0 [2.0]  [+5]
  6. WW (Watex Warriors)  |  1.7 [0.1]  |  8.0 [1.3]  [-1]
  7. UMA (Underground Mafias Army)  |  1.6 [0.3]  |  9.3 [2.4]  |  [+1]
  8. RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation)*  |  N/A  |  N/A  |  [+1]
  9. ST (Shadow Troops)  |  1.3 [0.2]  |  7.1 [2.8]  [-3]
  10. Romans  |  1.1 [0.2]  |  6.1 [0.2]  |  [+2]
  11. DW (Dark Warriors)  |  1.0 [0.4]  |  6.3 [3.3]  |  [-4]
  12. CPRA (Club Penguin Rulers Army)  |  1.0 [0.0]  |  5.6 [1.7]  [+1]
  13. BB (Black Bandits)  |  1.0 [0.0]|  5.4 [0.4]  |  [+1] [-1]

*Still working on a more accurate way to measure due to widget displaying hits from other sites in addition to their own, they are estimates

Note: Many of the armies that moved down the list may have only done so because IMAF moved up so much.  Also note, the smaller armies (because they have lower and closer numbers to each other) will change positions requently.

Larger armies without widgets (in order by estimated hits count):

  1. BP (Black Panthers)*

*Have added the widget, but it hasn’t been up for a week yet, will be included in next week’s list


The Nachos may receive more viewers than ACP, but their widget makes it really difficult to get an accurate number, and I can’t really put an army at number 1 that I can’t defend with statistics, so they remain at number 2 for now.  You’ll notice a lot of red in that list, which means it was a bad week for a lot of armies.  IW may have been hit the hardest, losing their number 3 spot which they held for a while.  Even with FW’s numbers falling, IW just had a really bad week, and will hopefully bounce back next week.  With the exception of UMA, who probably grew due to their recruiting, and ACP, perhaps because of a leader change, everyone else went down.  DW had a particularly rough week, falling out of the Top 10 completely.  IMAF was the real story, with huge numbers and the biggest increase percentage-wise I think I’ve seen so far (they nearly doubled their viewership in one week), shooting all the way to number 5, a 5 spot increase.  Well done IMAF!

This Week’s Most Improved Army:

IMAF (Impossible Mission Army Force)

I had to check the numbers twice because I was positive I made a mistake, but IMAF did in fact jump past RPF, UMA, DW, ST, and WW in the list.  This means their site has been receiving more hits than any of those armies.  This could be explained by a large number of practice battles, including an impressive showing against IW, which made soldiers more active and checking the site more often.  An update tells me this is mostly due to a merge with the Nuggets, however I expect it to go down again next week, but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised again.

How to Get Recognized:

  • Make sure you get on Club Penguin frequently, and take a lot of pics
  • Post the best ones on your site so people appreciate your size
  • Get a Whos.Among.Us widget for your site so you and others can keep track of how many viewers your site gets at any one time, or over a period of time
  • Make a habit of entering your army in tournaments or attending battles as an ally so other major armies get used to seeing you around Club Penguin

Any more questions, talk to me on chat.
