[Survey Corps Report] Invasion of Cozy – Success!!


Hai ACP, 

Today we invaded Cozy and it went well as we averaged 17 and maxed 21 and for most of the battle we were double SWAT’s size (SWAT maxed about 8-10) and SWAT claimed it was a “tie”. Our tactics were great and I’m happy with the listening of the troops today, with Strom and I leading the event. The best picture is below and for the rest click “Read More”. Todays event was worth 4 medals, comment if you came.

The owners think they were clearly losing but the leader says it is a tie? How is it a tie?

-Kingfunks4 Temp ACP UK Leader & 22nd/24th ACP Leader

11 Responses

  1. I made it, my CP name is Adamracer btw. 😀

  2. I was there.

  3. Came half the event

  4. Came at the end, good battle!

  5. I came.

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