UK Mining Expedition + Training

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Hello, ACP. Today, the UK force, logged onto White Out for a mining expedition where we started out in Town gathering sizes and maxed fifteen after ten minutes we switched to Ice Berg where we finished off with a training session. Continue reading for pictures (lots of pictures) provided by I, Sonic, Elsa and Alb.

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Events for the Week![November 13th-19th]

Salutations everyone,

As the past weeks have shown, we are improving steadily. All divisions are starting to uphold their sizes more and more. Last week we were 10th in the top ten, and now we went up a spot to 9th. We must continue to rise as a united nation and continue to work our hardest. Rewards are available for any event if we do really well. The shipment of xats has encountered issues, and it will be taken care of as soon as possible.

We are rising, the new era for ACP has only just begun.


Click HERE for the recap of the week