First off, read the posts below.  They include: Boomer owning NextGen, !!!!!Shab’s contest winners!!!!, and Movie sign-ups (I should so be the evil guy, don’t you think?).

Okay, now, onto one of the only posts I’ve written where I’m not abusing my powers (well, at least I don’t act like I’m NOT abusing them).

This post is to tell anyone under the rank of captain to go check out the ACPTR!  It’s been changed up a bit, so you should really check it out.  Just join on the join page.

Well, here’s the link:

Yeah, I think that’s it…  Just wanted to advertise us for this month.

Wow, this post wasn’t NEARLY funny enough.  So, I leave you with this…


Okay, in the words of Peyton Manning: It’s on, like Donkey Kong! (I needed a new catch phrase…)


15 Responses

  1. Yes! First! Weeeeeee

  2. 😮 The Dobby!

  3. wow!

  4. The Dobby owns you

  5. the dobby

  6. I thought Dobby was a slave. =/

  7. Yeah xD

  8. nice ty XD and captains and under do what he says XD

    Rock on acp!

  9. @ emperer: Not in my world… In my world, I am Dobby, and I have an empire (with Mr. Smurf of course). Or maybe I’m on drugs…


  11. ELI MANNING FTW!! But the dobby is evil EVIL

  12. YAYAYAYAY HARYY POTTER STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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