Question of the Day 14.

Greetings, ACP!

Yesterday, I asked you “What is the one, single food that you would never give up?” There were some tasty answers. Here are my favorites:




The next question is:

“What would you do with a million dollars USD?”

Thanks for reading and always tip the waiter

Game Night||Some Training on Mammoth

Hello ACP, 


We did a great event today, as of you know. AUSIA is improving bit by bit. WAR MODE ACTIVATE. Alright this is really getting cool now. Seems we need more to get on and fight on, if you want to be cool and then do it! By the way, thanks to those who partake in the event. So proud of you troops, also we did games for the troops and possible prizes for them. Thanks everyone, keep it the good work!

We maxed 12 and averaged 11.

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