Armies in Decline

It seems that, because of schoolwork, many armies are now becoming inactive; their websites are viewed less and less. The ACP, RPF, and many other major armies are no exception.

How will we pull CP out of this recession? You decide. I would like every viewer of this site to post a comment suggesting what we can do to get the ACP and other armies bigger and more active. If I see some exceptionally good ideas, I will take them into action.



Yes, we will be changing the ranks, site, and everything else as soon as possible. So just stick with us and you will soon be rewarded. 😉


Keep up the good work! Despite the recession in CP armies, the ACP soldiers have managed to keep a firm grip on Mammoth and the rest of our nation! Bravo, and keep at it!


Be back soon . . .


Until later,

March on!

-Comments and Suggestions Welcome (especially today)-