British/Euro Invasions

The LT are a screwed up army aren’t they? They even claim to own the Nacho capital! Please note we are only invading LT’s part. The LT idiots also claim to be owning Ice Box which we took form them the last war so we will show them who really owns it.

Invasion of Ice Cube

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Invasion of Big Snow

Invasion of Ice Cube

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Invasion of Ice Box

>>> RESULTS <<<

Hai ACP,

Okay this is Ken posting with Ek’s name since he uh WP died but here is what Ek had to say

-History Repeats Itself-

Once again, the Army of Club Penguin have to face the Light Troops. Our history with them has generally been awful and their history with armies has also been pretty bad. We’ve been tearing chunks out of each other at any chance possible and frankly, the majority of us are getting bored by it all. We’ve had countless arguments resulting in a war and this one was probably expected. We were provided with a picture stating that after the Light Troops finish their war with SWAT, they would attack us. Funks and Kenneth posted news on this and leaders from the Light Troops stated that it was fake. Another picture revealing a soldier saying that it was not fake resulted in ever more bickering between us. Basically, the Light Troops have now declared war on our mighty empire. They’ve started with Invasions using their American(and surrounding areas) and are invading this week. We shall hopefully be striking back with invasions including attacks from our Euro force which we hope will feel more involved.

24 Responses

  1. 1st! Beat Mch

  2. Yes, they are screwed up

  3. idk about any of these… if im there, im there, if not, im not


    And this will be serious. After all the ACPTR struggles until opening back up in May. Then we finally find out that Flipper had lost a loved one and is probally leaving. After that Kenneth is TOTALLY leaving in June. Now the LT are building back up and think they are all bad. Then they declare war. I bet they have some sort of good plan to over throw us. Just because are 2 leaders are leaving now, they think that at the small moment we have no leader, they will ambush us. Well then, let us defend our nation and our army, leaders or no leaders. We will stand together forever.



    • Oh yeah, about this. See, I sort of, overslept. I not only missed the invasion on Ice Cube, I also slept through many of my classes. So I just failed helping ACP with this (and not a good start on my new promotion) but I probally going to fail all those classes. But now 3, yes 3, 3 ACP great leaders, have now all said to me the same, TO NEVER GIVE UP. And to all of them, I will not.

  5. 50-50 for all.

  6. Can’t come to any

  7. I am so glad that I have a half day on Thursday so I can make the Big Snow event


  9. I can make all of the events.

  10. i can make every event except icecube

  11. Argh, can’t come, just let the leaders know I am on holiday from the 1st if June to the 5th of June

  12. Should be able to come

  13. I can’t make the first two since I will be in school, and I MIGHT make the third one (if I wake up at about 7:00 CST)since that is on a weekend.

  14. I can make ALL of them!
    Does these events(on may) count as June medals?

  15. Can make all them

  16. (EEK)Nachos are have alliance with LT and are helping them?!!?

    This is copied from Nacho website:
    “Today, it was scheduled that we would defend Altitude from SWAT for the Light Troops while they invaded the ACP.”

  17. i could come to all 🙂

  18. I can make the Saturday one. Hopefully I can wake up by 8.

  19. i can make
    Ice Cube
    and ice box

  20. I can make Ice Box.

  21. I made it to Ice box, even though I’m a American. A pretty good morning wake up call if you ask me.

Army of Club Penguin [ACP]: let us know what you're thinking!