Results of Outback Free-For-All [Sorry about the late post]

Howdy Acp,

I thought another leader was going to post about this battle today, but I havn’t posted in awhile. Today was a great battle. A long and very boring battle too in my opinion. I joined the battle when ACP, a few UMA, Nachos and some Blue Miners were still on club penguin. I was informed that the Night Warriors and Dark Warriors fled from the battle before I was on.

It all came down to Nachos and ACP at the end. ACP was quite bigger then the Nachos so the Nachos had to regroup a lot. ACP did a great job of listening and moving easily to any room the soldiers were ordered too. At the end, the Nachos made a final stand in the Outback, Snowforts. They seemed to pick up a few troops and ACP was barely larger. When the battle was over it looked like ACP were the winners as we went out with a “ACP Forever!” bomb following a signiture clover emote bomb. I suggest next time, lets not plan battles so long 😆

I apologize for not having any pictures with me. If you have any pictures no matter what time it was during the battle, please comment them on this post. Another leader and I would love to put them up for you on this post.


Now Acp, we are about to enter a time of waiting it seems unless this war continues even more or this war ends and a new war sparks. We must be patient and always in-training, you never know when the next battle will be. I also hear Swat on mammoth is still a problem. Most of you say “Mammoth battles are for noobs!” I say not. Mammoth battles are kind of like the old time battles to me, I like going to some of them just to feel like an average soldier all over again. We also need to keep recruiting because we will get no where without recruiting. If there is anything still going on in the war I think Oagalthorp will inform us.

Over & Out


32 Responses

  1. okay sir!

  2. 2ND

  3. 2nd

  4. Coolio.

  5. 1 I made it for 3 hours I got bored and created a chat group mods rank are open PC me. My name is agent233 ACP sergeant

  6. I made and lead a part of it before I had to go.

  7. I made it, I lead for about an hour while all the leaders were gone, then when bob came back I co-lead with him.

  8. Great Job ACP!
    I was there! We did awesome, Da Nachos did pritty good to. :/

  9. i made it. only for a few minutes do.

  10. i made for the beginning, but had to leave. then i came back for a few mins at the end, but i had to leave:(

  11. I made it,On the post it says Promotion if you come, So now I’m Colonel

  12. I made it on for 1 and a half hours. I was always obeying commands given to me from the chat. Do I get a promotion?

  13. first of all, since there was promos, im now warrent officer

  14. and secondly, i attended the whole battle, despite i was banned for no reason on chat, i still followed orders.

  15. whats the capital?

  16. That was a good battle sir, I was there for the whole thing. P.S You didn’t promote me to colonel, but the promo for this battle makes me a brigader genral, just to let you know.:)

  17. I was there for an hour a I helped Mrmrme lead for a bot.

  18. I made the battle for about 2.5 hours then it just got boring. 😛

  19. i made it for the wholee thing [x

  20. Couldnt make it. I was gonig to go to it but cp wasnt working. Sorry 😦

  21. Well it sounds like the ACP did good.

    General Of The ACP~Happyman444

  22. I made it!

  23. bob……….. ya know how Rkjcbo was leading……….. well that was me………..Mew2red i was using my backup account bluecolin233 do NOT give credit to Rkjcbo i was leading,ask me any questions about the battle i lead with you and Rkjcbo will get them wrong i swear it was me, I am a Captain in acp and i lead with you NOT Rkjcbo 😦 im sorry for pretending to be Rk

  24. I made it for most of the battle! Great job ACP!

    ~Adamsapple4 :3 -=Brig.General=- [ACP]

  25. i think club penguin is stuipd coz u need to pay for membership 😦 if it was free it would be amazing 🙂 and it waould be good if u find puffels and adopet them ffor free 🙂

  26. I was there and the nachos got SPANKED!:)

  27. I was there pretty much all of the battle, apart from the end [because of the late UK time], and we obviously beat Nachos!!

Army of Club Penguin [ACP]: let us know what you're thinking!