Return from Temporary Leave | Step it up AUSIA

Cześć ACP.

If you haven’t known yet, for the past few weeks I have taken temporary leave due to commitments that I have dedicated myself to in real life, not allowing me to fulfill my duties as an owner in this grande army. However, over the past 24 hours I have chosen to return 2 days earlier than I was supposed to. Why? Because over the next weeks the AUSIA division will be undergoing changes. Star/Myma001 is officially retiring in 2 weeks time, and stability is a large issue. This includes our sizes at events and the future of the AUSIA division. Therefor, for the good of our division, I have decided to return earlier for you.

Over these weeks I plead to you all – especially members of our AUSIA division – do your greatest. We are currently sandwiched between a war with our arch-enemy the Light Troops and the large changes incoming. I need you to bear with me and together we will walk through the hurricane.


ACP Third in Command


One Response

  1. Wooo,go Sidie!

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