Situation of the Ausia Division

Greetings ACP!

This post is notify for everyone and the army. The divison had an awesome week, well done! We have problem come around in the division despite so many problem comes around goes around. All I wanted to say is it’s time for some changes regarding that. Star is retiring April 12 due to school and some activites etc. This value the changes around the divsion and inside ACP. I’ll be around leading the division and help out if anytime, all troops must attend events at all costs neither to find a way to make up for the losses.  We must need to make sure the smoothness of this pledged treasure of and continue if you wanna live :P. Also to make ACP run long! We can’t live longer enough we can die anytime dangers are need to be precautiously prevented if you don’t wanna harm the army and the other troops. Besides that we are clover filled green guys that goes to others and show to shine from the inside out :).

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Clover chips *hello*

Out of curiously, ACP have achieved so much even if we didn’t won a single trophy of any tournament still for me ACP is #1 army I joined. Ausia Division is one of it’s treasure and precious items aof the army. The troops who made this possible I thank you so much for the service you gave out for ACP. Anyways, like I say saying it’s time to change the course of running the division on it’s feet. This reminds me of days when I was a member and I dreamed of being 3ic one day. These days I call is my “golden ages” even we didn’t get sizes but we show how mighty we are in months. Anyone who is reading this I consider as inspiration for upcoming generations, the moments that Army of CP has glorify the entire army community.

This is happening when we refused to our things in an unruling manner. You get beat in the end. The song reminds the color of friendship!

You, me. The entire community is counting on you to continue and spread the word of pride, nationality, pledge, promises and friendship. We flourish the it together now and forever always be. The penguins who marched and sacrificed there live will be remembered as an symbol of excellence of the future troops. This is just the beginning of such change, and the moments marks the tomorrow and everyone’s thought and minds. The smart one will always think new inventions for people to find it useful. As I note this to you I think you should spread the word in the army this will help the army rise into it’s good and awesome sizes again. The post I am showing is not worth for stupidity but it’s gonna help out realize what is good for this army and the other armies.

“Memories are worth to store, but we can’t is the time itself.”

~RockstarღSallie, ACP 3ic (Filipino Pride)

hayate-x-hinagiku (1)

6 Responses

  1. xrock1819 told me that if I commented, He would give me his xats.

  2. k

  3. k den.

  4. k

  5. rock told me if i comment he would get me a new house a double cheese burger a new train a new 360noscope and a flag that says I love trains

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