Hey ACP!

I hope your having a happy day so far. I must warn you though, If you happen to click “Read More…” something terrible will happen. Can’t say I didn’t warn you. Continue reading

Euro Training = Success

Hey ACP, 

Today we logged on at around 7:40 PM GMT to start our Euro Time Zone training. We started on Snow Fort and went to various rooms, and stayed on for a total of around 50 minutes all together. The event was a training session, and we did some interesting tactics with good sizes, however, it wasn’t just Euro soldiers, a few loyal USA soldiers came to the event too!

I mainly lead the event, and percy Jacks2 got temp owner after he won a little competition at the start of the battle. Our tactics weren’t prefect, but they were really good considering the Euro forces hadn’t got together for a while to practice. We started off in the Town before heading to the Mine, then we partied in the Beacon before making a + in the Snow Forts. We finished in the dock, and then quickly logged off.

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