Practice Battle/PARTAY!!

Boomer’s Edit:We got 284 Google searches out of that practice battle/recruiting session, which I’m pretty sure just destroyed the previous record for the site 😀 .  Circles are pretty good for recruiting apparently 😆 .  Maybe I should just schedule practice circle sessions… 😕

Well let me say the practice battle was only a couple notches above complete chaos, but the turnout was impressive.  I had to bail out the Blue Team at the beginning because everyone was talking and could not hear Hatt telling people to move to the Plaza.  But overall, it went fairly well.  Here are some pics:

Red outnumbered Blue nearly 2 to 1 at the beginning:


Blue executes a charge [1-0 Blue]:


After 5 minutes, Red still outnumbered Blue [1-1 Tie]:


I could tell that many of the soldiers on the Red Team were just passersby who decided to join, so I suggested to Hattrick that he move the Blue Team to the Plaza, but after another 5 minutes, Red still led in number of soldiers [2-1 Red]:


Blue executes a charge and cover tactic [2-2 Tie]:


Blue moves to the Lighthouse, where the outnumber Red for the first time [3-2 Blue]:


Red regains the majority of soldiers and ties the match [3-3 Tie]:


Blue regains the lead again [4-3 Blue]:


Blue attempts a charge, while being only partially successful, they still held the majority of the soldiers [5-3 Blue]:


Red has a huge comeback and regains the lead in soldiers, but does not have enough time to pull off a charge for the tie [FINAL: 5-4 Blue]:


Congrats to both sides for a great effort.  The Blue Team was led by Hattrick and the Red Team was led by Cooltiger413 until he was logged off, then by Chapa23 until Tiger returned.


After that, we did some recruiting, which pretty much turned into a full-scale Green Party! 😀

Right after the battle, we changed back into good ol’ ACP Green 8) :


We moved to the Dock:


Field o’ Clovers:


I decided we had enough people to try something unprecedented 😛 :


The fun begins 😀 :


As far as I know, the first circle in the history of the Dock, which took maybe 15 minutes to keep people from bunching up near me 😐 😛 :


Trying to organize for one more pic:


There we go, that’s a keeper!!  We should send it to CP 8)


On the move:


Campfire 8) :


Tons more clovers 😆 :


Tip the iceberg! 😛


Haha, one more time!


Clover circle, maybe that’s the secret to tipping the iceberg 😕 …nah 😛 :


Messing around in the Pet Shop 😐 :


From my research, I was able to track down two other circles formed in Club Penguin.

The first was formed by Frazzie (I think that’s Tuxedo Mac in red on the bottom right 😕 ):


The second was Holagurrl25, but it kinda looks like an edit (there’s always people in the middle of the Dock at Mammoth, and this is a very easy edit:


See, I can edit too 🙄 😛


Ours easily tops both because:

  1. It was all ACP, not a bunch of “famous” penguins who just joined in along the way
  2. We were all the same color from the same army/club/group
  3. It was in a small server with minimal activity (Snow Fort Dock might as well be a ghost town compared to the Dock’s at Mammoth and Frozen like the other two circles)
  4. We did it twice in one day 8)

Congrats on making CP history!  Our circles were soo badass 😆 .

Comment what you thought of the practice battle and if you were a part of our historic circles!


P.S.~Don’t call UMA dead, cause they aren’t and it’s offensive to them…

P.S.S.~Check out my good friend Gator360’s new site!  He just joined ACP too! 😀


Read the post below this, because it is just (if not more) important as this.

Anyway, the Nachos are declaring war on the FGR. Their reason for this preemptive strike is as follows:

“We (Person and I) decided that FGR was no longer worthy to be classified as an army. No one barely ever posts or anything, yet they are on all of our ally lists.”

~ Akabob22, Nacho leader

Well, a few ACP officers and myself thought that this is kinda pointless.

A Nacho's response, when notified that this is a pointless war.

A Nacho's response, when notified that this is a pointless war.

So, we’ve decided to make a poll on which course the ACP should take. Note that this is merely something Boomer may want to think about when deciding what to do. The results of this poll are not final.

I’m aware that anyone can vote — not just ACP soldiers, as we may want is — so we would appreciate it if you made a comment below stating your opinion.


Until later,

March on!

Practice Battle Reminder

Aber’s Edit: I’m sorry that I could not be there, it was short notice that we had to go out. So i’m definatly sorry for not being able to come!

*IMPORTANT* Don’t forget the practice battle!  I still have not heard from a lot of people if they can or cannot make it, and I especially want to hear from the Field Marshal’s and General’s since they may be leading the battle.  I have heard from Rap, but I believe I still need to hear from Aber, Jungle, Tiger, Cas, Hatt, Nodear, and Meggis.  Green means you’re good to go, by the way :mrgreen: .  Those people, and anyone else who hasn’t said their availability yet, please tell me in a comment.  Thanks.

When: Saturday, January 17, 2009

Server: Snow Fort

Room: Snow Forts

Teams: Red vs Blue – We’re goin old school 8)


1:30 pm Pacific

2:30 pm Mountain

3:30 pm Central

4:30 pm Eastern

9:30 pm U.K.

This is how it will work.  There are two teams, Red and Blue.  Each Division will represent a color.  For this battle, Division I (Alpha, Delta, and Echo), led by Aber, will represent the Red Team.  Division II (Gamma, Kappa, and Sigma), led by Rap, will represent the Blue Team.  Please arrive at the battle in appropriate colors.  If you do not have a Division yet, names starting with A-M will be Red, and N-Z will be Blue.

If you do not know your division, go HERE

If you do not have a division or cannot find yourself on the divisions page, see above (names starting with A-M will be Red, and N-Z will be Blue).

Here are the uniforms.  They can be adjusted based on what clothing items you have, but you must be the color you are assigned.  Nonmembers can wear the winged viking helmet, maybe the card-jitsu belt to match your color, and pretty much whatever else you want.  Just make sure you are the color you are assigned.


In case one of the team leaders cannot make it, here is how we will work the battle leadership.  If the first leader on the list cannot make it, the second will lead, and so forth.  Once a leader has led a practice battle, they will move to the bottom of the list so the next person on the list can lead.  Make sure you know who is leading so you know who to listen to, and if you are your team’s leader, make sure they know you are in charge.

Red Team:

  1. Abercrombe29
  2. The Jungle N
  3. Cooltiger413
  4. Casiusbrutus

Blue Team:

  1. Rapidy
  2. Hattrick
  3. Nodear
  4. Meggis1234

Please comment if you can or cannot make it to the practice battle.  If your name is listed to be a possible leader, you MUST comment if you can or cannot make it.  I need to know who is available to lead the battle.  Thanks.

For the practice battle, Ankita, Shab, and I will be the judge(s) (might just be me, we’ll see).  The battle will last approximately 30 minutes, and will be run in a tournament style match, meaning you get points for:

  • A successful charge
  • Covering up your opponent
  • Successfully avoiding an enemy charge
  • Being the larger side for 5 minutes

Leaders and soldiers, remember the tactics we have been practicing.  Stay quiet so the leader can give commands, and only talk when you are instructed to charge and spam or emote bomb, etc.  Watch for regrouping, and make sure to spread out.

After the battle, be ready for a recruiting party.  Good luck everyone!  I hope to see you there!


P.S.~Don’t forget to register to be a Senator/Consulate!!  Refer to the post below for additional Rank, Division, and Practice Battle Info!