Promotions – Do you feel you deserve one?

Hey ACP, 

It’s that time again, and it’s slowly reaching the end of the Month of March. There hasn’t been a lot going on this month after we are recovering from a lengthy war, with various threats occurring like the Black Alliance. We also celebrated Kenneth and I’s 1 year anniversary of being leaders, and powered our way to the Semi-Finals in CPAC’s latest tournament – and we are still going! Medals has been at the heart of everything we’ve been doing, and a lot have been given out the past month. I think we may even start raising the medal total because of how well you guys have been doing!

If you think you have been loyal this month and deserve a promotion, fill out this form below!

  1. ACP Name:
  2. ACP Rank:
  3. Amount of Medals:
  4. Why else do you deserve a promotion:

However, having the right amount of medals is not always the best way to get a promotion. You can still get one by being active on site with comments, proving you are loyal by patrolling some of our most loved servers, and just chilling with friends on chat, in fact they are probably the better ways in getting a promotion, besides going to events. Promotions will hopefully be released in the coming days or so, so you only have at least 48 hours to comment!

Comment with your answers, and what you’ve done to help ACP in March!

P.S: Kenneth1000 and I would like to thank you for all your support yesterday and were fascinated that a lot of you put promotions as your favourite memory, so were planning to make this one extra special.. -nudge nudge wink wink- 😛

120 Responses

  1. I wonder how many medals I have, I never kept track 😆

  2. ACP Name: 12cooldude14
    ACP Rank: Corporal -blush-
    Amount of Medals: 40 🙂
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: Well i have been to every event since i joined.

  3. ACP Name: Icey Cold27
    ACP Rank: Head General
    Amount of Medals: -9,000 medals for being a “waste of space.” I think that’s a good thing, right? :mrgreen:
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: lolwat. What are promotions? I just like to make BOLDNESS.

  4. ACP Name: Obi Wan 4321
    ACP Rank: Field General
    Amount of Medals: 45
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: Well, I’ve been a very good boy this year and have eaten all my greens when my mummy told me to. I’m also a loyal ACP soldier and mod and like cake, and attend battles and stuff :mrgreen:

  5. foldez
    1st lieut
    Medals 31
    other reasons: Ive been on chat alot actually bothered to fill out flippers forms and came to all the events i could as well as doing end of year exams ( yeah really early i know but i start my gcses after easter)

  6. ACP Name: Purple slime4
    ACP Rank:Field gen handpicked
    Amount of Medals: 39
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    I helped in ACPTR mostly, I try my best to come too events and comment and help with the tactics.

  7. cocoahearty
    staff seargent
    15 medals about ive been to quite a few wars
    i deserve a promotion because ive been loyal to acp even though hundreds of over armys have requested me
    ive helped won the LT war

  8. ACP Name:Minifotty
    ACP Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
    Amount of Medals:34
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:I Patrol alot but since you don’t get medals for patrolling I don’t comment on the Patrol page and If you don’t promote me I will sing my song.

  9. ACP Name: Smsm3
    ACP Rank: Brigadier General
    Amount of Medals: 28 (Soon to be 30-33)
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    I feel like I’ve been a good chat moderator. Also, I feel like I have been active enough too. This month was the beginning of the sport I played and it has been hard. Also, I was grounded for a week because of my grades. I was still able to gain the medals.
    (And I was robbed for my rank last month) *wary*

  10. Icey20115
    i come to alot of events and sometimes i patrol

  11. ACP Name: Superoo13
    ACP Rank: major
    Amount of Medals: 36
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I came back to ACP this month and have led some unschedules

  12. ACP Name: John16126
    ACP Rank: Lt. General
    Amount of Medals: Not very sure my bad =P
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: Because even though i havent made a lot of events because they were bad times for me i still strive to be as active as possible and ive attended the tourney battles. I promise if i get a promotion i will try my hardest to be more active even with the ammount of things i have to do IRL.

  13. I probably don’t deserve a promotion this month. Im sorry, it’s been a busy month and I havent been able to make it to many events.

  14. 1.ACP Name: I am on the ranks as ‘Slashtheduke’ but my CP name is ‘Blutheduke’ and my chat name is Blu.
    2.ACP Rank: Lt. General
    3.Amount of Medals: 32
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion: I got to almost every event I can, I am very experienced, I hang around chat for 3-4 hours a day and act kindly to everyone there, and I am currently eating girlscout cookies. The last reason should be more than enough to get me to leader but I put the other reasons there to be safe.

  15. ACP Name: Mariosatr
    ACP Rank: Captain
    Amount of Medals: Something around 30-35, I’ve counted 35 but I’m not 100% sure.
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I’m active and dedicated, attend as many events as I can go to, I repeat orders and I think I deserve a promotion in general.

  16. ACP Name: Sonic11352

    ACP Rank:1st Lieutenant

    Amount of Medals 17

    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I am very loyal and active, I am a good solider and basically i come to lots of events

  17. ACP Name: Antant98

    ACP Rank: Major General

    Amount of Medals: 41 medals

    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I came to most of the battles this month. I was active and I was on chat everyday. When I finished my homework I recruited more soldier to the army on club penguin.

  18. Also I was a hadpicked mod.

  19. ACP name: Pengy38088
    ACP rank: 1st lieutenant
    Amount of medals: 30
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I came to as many events as I could (like I always do) comment once on every post (sometimes more since on some posts my first comment goes into moderation)and I come on Chat a lot.

  20. ACP name : P77154689

    ACP rank : sergent

    Amount of medals: 37

    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I am very loyal and active been to all battles and I am a good solider

  21. Acp Name: Spiderguy22
    Acp Rank: LT. General
    Amount of medals: Around 29-32
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I’ve been on chat everyday, and I came to whatever ACP events I could. I even made the CPAC Tournament battle against Light Troops.

  22. ACP Name: Spiderguy22

    ACP Rank: LT. General

    Amount of Medals: 29-32

    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I’ve been on chat everytime, and I made whatever event I could. I even made the CPAC Tournament battle against Light Troops.

  23. Funbob16 😉

    Amount: 27

    why: I’m on EVERY Day. I Patrol CP And I have To still Study for the up-coming standardized testing in Math (My bad subject). I Think i deserve The Rank of Brigadier general! 😛 Good luck to eveyone else!

  24. 1.ACP Name: Aerwghy
    2.ACP Rank: Captain
    3.Amount of Medals: I don’t know
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion: I come on chat alot and I came to all of the events.

  25. ACP Name: Empoleon7667 (Emp)
    ACP Rank: General
    Amount of Medals: Idk, so I’ll guess the same as Mch’s
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I’m an Emp, ’nuff said, kk? 🙂

  26. 1.ACP Name: Splashy
    2.ACP Rank: Brigadier General
    3.Amount of Medals: Something around 30-33, I counted the events I went to but not totally sure.
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion: I have tried to come to every event I could, I think I missed out 2-3 but that was due to illness & time zones. I have patrolled Mammoth every day, somedays forgot to post about it, and I was also owner’d on chat a few days into March =D. And, FLIP AND KEN ARE TEH BESHT LEADERS EVER!!!! Ok. I’m good =D

  27. ACP Name: Fiona387
    ACP Rank: Sergeant
    Amount of Medals: I lost count, but last time i checked it was 11.
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: Well, even though i don’t think i’ll get a promotion because i haven’t been going on chat too often, i come to every event i can come too, and i’m loyal to the ACP.

  28. Cul8rsl
    I deserve one because I quit LT as a 2ic and I also came to many events inculding 3 unscheduleds.

  29. Yellowie 25
    Major General
    I comment on the site and patrol Mammoth and Breeze everyday I come to a lot of events I check the site multiple times a day and I am a very loyal soldier to ACP I have been In ACP for almost 15 months now

  30. I don’t need a promo AND don’t truly deserve one. I’ve been a General only a month and I haven’t been as active as two of us. Also there are no positions open at the moment :3
    I’m getting more active!

  31. 1. ACP Name: Da Best One

    2. ACP Rank: Sergeant

    3.. Amount of Medals: 5 medals

    4. Why else do you deserve a promotion: I check this website very frequently and I try to make every event possible. I also come on chat a lot.

  32. ACP Name: Darwin Huxly
    ACP Rank: Warrant Officer
    Amount of Medals: 23
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I’ve been pretty active on the site, and have checked it out every day.

  33. 1. ACP Name:CIAN130
    2. ACP Rank:MAJOR
    3. Amount of Medals:27
    4. Why else do you deserve a promotion:wELL,i have been really active on the site ,i have been patroling a lot recently and i have been at loads of events.(and c,mon on flipper theres a form evry where u go in ACP like nearly every post u do has a form in it,um ..nearly all the pages have forms on them like join,divisions (not active) the help page and loads more. Ur a dickted to forms u have (drumroll) formfever)(i am asking for u to do one big favor for me flen make the divisions active again and give them names that a real army would have like air force or marines)

  34. ACP Name: Superjay99

    ACP Rank:Lt.Colonel

    Amount of Medals: 37

    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I’m on chat a lot (while managing a small army), I go to lots of events, and well I’m…..a BOSS!

    btw when I become colonel can I be a staff member of acptr I REALLY want to give back to the place that helped me get this far. Thanks :mrgreen:

  35. ACP Name:Scoutmaster8
    ACP Rank:Colonel
    Amount of Medals:20
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:I patrol mammoth and breeze as much as I can I comment on some of the posts I go on chat sometimes

  36. 1 sapper medic
    2 private
    3 idk
    4 ive been private for a long time

  37. ACP NAME: Pie 65
    ACP RANK: Captain
    Why do you feel you deserve a promotion? I feel like I deserve a promotion because i have been captain for two months and i have worked hard telling by my metals. i also feel i have worked hard enough to deserve a promotion. Thank you 🙂

  38. “wink, wink” Trolololololol *wary*

  39. ACP Name: Mini17059

    ACP Rank: Sergeant

    Amount of Medals: 31

    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I have joined acptr and went to all the events so far, commenting on lots of posts and patrolled a couple times.

  40. Acp Name: Obama81000
    ACP Rank: Lieutenaunt General
    Amount of Medals:37 medals
    Why do you deserve a promotion?
    I deserve a promotion cause I am active and made mostly all events and I patrol cp alot and told many of my friends to join ACP I also come on chat alot and help others out in ACP and I didnt get a promo last month when I got 30 medals last month Happy Anniversary
    Ken and

  41. ACP Name: Capncook
    ACP Rank: Field General
    Amount of Medals: I lost count but a lot! 😀
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: Well, although I didn’t make as many battles as I should have this month, I made as many as I could and stayed active on chat.

  42. ACP Name: Snaily5
    ACP Rank: 1st Lieutenant
    Amount of Medals: idk I’m too dang busy with ACP to keep count them or keep track! Plus, I didn’t know we were supposed to keep track, sorry.
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I’m on chat every day, I patrol almost every day and you can see my documentation on “did you patrol” page, I recruit like crazy educating the good penguins about ACP, I spend a lot of time for the good of ACP analyzing where we need improvement and coming up with solutions, I wrote a very long post that Flipper was so kind to post that received good attention, not to mention I deserve a promotion because Kenneth almost ran over my puffle, I’ve also composed another post about recruiting methods that I’m hoping will get posted, I have something big in the works too and will let you all know later, I’m Director of ACP Marketing and Recruiting at University of Breeze and I need a raise 🙂

  43. ACP Name: calirolls

    ACP rank: Sargent


    why i deserve a promotion:I have been active all month (discluding one day due to other events in real life) and have been in every battle except a battle in the tournaments. That is why i deserve a promotion


    • Food for thought… you think you really deserve a promotion after you proudly represented ACP in the Nacho chat on March 26th? You displayed such vulgar filth from your mouth, causing embarrassment and humiliation to ACP and a huge backlash against our army their chat afterwards. >(

  44. 1.ACP Name: Ericgarfeild
    2.ACP Rank: Captain
    3.Amount of Medals: 35
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    Well i fought hard. Came to tons of events. Recruted soldiers. Came to all the tournament events and recruting events.

  45. i this a automatic promotion?

  46. Ken? Flipper? Icey? EK? Slider?

  47. ACP Name: Thestriker20
    ACP Rank: lieutenant general
    Amount of Medals: 34
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    I think i deserve a promotion because I’ve been patrolling a lot on mammoth, came to enough battles to gain 34 medals, and am active on chat a lot. I hope I can get a promo this time since the field general rank last month was full. 😦

  48. ACP Name:mr waffle 45
    ACP Rank: major
    Amount of Medals: i dont really know
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: i patrol a ton and do lots of stuff recruit patrol stuff that only kenneth knows (WARY) i help and educate noobs and be the best troop i can be i went to events but did not make all because they where on sunday i wish you would put them on saturday so i can enjoy them! i need to go two ranks up

  49. ACP Name:
    ACP Rank:
    -Brigadier General
    Amount of Medals:
    -16 😥
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    -Well, I’ve been to all the events, I read posts on site, I comment on posts on the site. I’m pretty much on ACP chat 24/7, from morning to evening, I’m there. Heck, I’ve been on ACP chat daily ever since last year.

  50. 1.llp99
    4.i have been very loyal and i have been to all the events and i have voted in all the posts

  51. 1. ACP Name:pengy7778
    2. ACP Rank:corparl
    3. Amount of Medals:19
    4. Why else do you deserve a promotion:I came to more events this month and was able to attend lots of battles of the champions cup including vsing LT

  52. 1.ACP Name: Camplazlo3
    2.ACP Rank: Captain
    3.Amount of Medals: 33
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion: i think i do because ive been to every ACP event since February 10th the day i joined. im on chat at least an hour each day, and got ACP some new recruits, while i was patroling mammoth a few times. if u ask me i think i should move up to lieut. colonel or colonel, cuz i have past experiance, including master general in IW and feild general in nachos a while ago. i also have LT. general in SWAT and general in ninjas. ACP has 24 new recruits this month because i picked them up. i can give u names.

  53. 1.ACP Name: Tes7
    2.ACP Rank: Lt.Genral
    3.Amount of Medals: however many events we had (I came to every event)
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    I was very active this month and last month. last month I did not get one because the rank above was full. I comment on posts. and I log on for events. I have also been working with ACPTR students as the Co-Leader

  54. ACP Name:Arch20045
    ACP Rank:Major General
    Amount of Medals:28
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:I havent been REALLY active, but I ussualy come to battles

  55. ACP Name:Tal
    ACP Rank: Master Corporal
    Amount of Medals: 69
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    Because Tal wants to be Master Sergeant 😦

  56. Acp name:Ower123
    Acp rank:warrant officer
    Amount of medal:13(I have less medal cause my mom took my laptop until 19 march)
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:well I was kinda busy cause my uncle is getting engaged.And my laptop doesn’t allow me to use chat

  57. Acp name: Superaalden
    Acp rank: 1st lieutnenant
    Amount of medal: 5???
    Why else do u deserve a promotion: I have been very active in ACP, and i go on chat whenever i use the computer.
    I come to all battles and events that i can make it, this is my 7th year in the ACP, and i have been active in ACP.
    Pls promote meh 😀 BAA

  58. ACP Name: As I’ve said before, MY name is ‘Skloop’, but ACP does not own the rights to my name. It’s not my ACP Name, it’s my birth name. I don’t get what you mean by ‘ACP Name’.
    ACP Rank: I was 3ic, but apparently my godliness isn’t enough for Flip to give me my own special Skloopy rank D:
    Amount of Medals: 9000.01, obviously.
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: Because I’m the damn overlord of ACP derr. Flipper and Ken may be leaders, but they’re like the prime ministers and I’m like the queen.
    Basically, I’m a trophy Skloop.

  59. ACP Name:Padre Pio
    ACP Rank:Corporal
    Amount of Medals:2-3 (I only join a few weeks ago)
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:I feel I should get promoted because I am very loyal and I am on chat everyday, I also Patrol Mammoth everyday.

  60. Lol Pmanfrost21 was the 69th commenter.

  61. ACP name: paris5999
    ACP rank: sergeant
    amount of medals: dont realy no i dont keep track of them i wonder how many i have?
    why else do you deserve a promotion: i always try to come to battles i work my hardes and im very loyal to acp also i make battles on diferent severs and always i will do my job and i will always be part of acp the best army i’fe ever been to

  62. good luck evrybody with the promotions i hope you all get one

  63. 1.Penny91
    2.Master General
    3.I know I have at least 45+ medals
    4.I recruit, I go on chat, I go to events, I look on the site daily, I patrol, I turn green, I am a good mod, I listen to orders, I correctly accomplish tactics without being AFK during the battle, and I am Batman.

  64. 1.Levandoski
    2.Warrant Officer
    3.I have 25(crying)
    4.I go to Breeze(my favorite server),I rarley be AFK or BRB,I come to Chat and the site straight after school+Im always on the chat everyday.
    I think these arn’t good reasons but I tried my best.~Levandoski.

  65. Pachi Pachi1
    LT colenel
    not sure plz inform me via chat.
    I go to mammoth all dressed up, maybe patrol a bit…. i go on chat all the time…. these r bad… i may get a demotinom 😥

  66. 1.ACP Name: Maks442
    2.ACP Rank: Corporal
    3.Amount of Medals:0
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion: I have been on ACP for like two months have no medals so atleast I deserve a promotion!

  67. 1.ACP Name:Rogerdodger1
    2.ACP Rank:Lt. general
    3.Amount of Medals: 20-22
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    I’m on chat a lot,ive been to 2 of the CPACCC battles,I am really loyal,and i’ve been in ACP for a year 😀
    P.S. FLIP > KEN

  68. 1.ACP Name:3emily2
    2.ACP Rank: Warrant Officer
    3.Amount of Medals:? im new so idk how to get medals
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion: i fought alot to keep my army safe and i go on ur chat alot

  69. ACP Name: Snowbud322
    ACP Rank: Lt Colonel
    Amount Of Medals: I wasn’t keeping track but I think 46-48
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: Though I am not seen on chat(due to growing amounts of homework) I’ve made as many battles as a could (which is most of them)

  70. ACP Name: Hwhwk
    ACP Rank: Colonel
    Amount of Medals: 32
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I have tried to make as many events as I can, and I go on ACP chat a lot.

  71. ACP Name: Iceberry
    ACP Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
    Amount of Medals: I wasn’t Keeping track, Somewhere range of 10 Since It hasn’t been long since I have joined.
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I am Active, Experienced and Ready to fight for ACP whenever it is needed at All Cost.

  72. I don’t think I really need a promotion so I am not going to ask.

    Oh and how do you look up how many medals you have?

  73. ACP Name:ccs46
    ACP Rank: ccs46
    Amount of Medals:7
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I reported a invading army on mammoth that was talking bad about us.

    • ACP Name:ccs46
      ACP Rank: warent officer
      Amount of Medals:7
      Why else do you deserve a promotion: I reported a invading army on mammoth that was talking bad about us.

  74. promote the sheep 😀 BAAHAAHAHAAAABAA!!!

  75. But how do you know when you get a medal.

  76. I’m sooooooooooooo bad I’ll never get a promotion anyway so not filling the form.

  77. Reblogged this on CP Glitches, Trackers and more! and commented:
    just testin

  78. 100TH COMMENT

  79. Bunker Bumble/Flaminguin1
    Field Gen
    36 this month
    Guess I’d like a promo, been Field Gen since I came back, normally show up at events, guess I’d want one because a lot of the higher ranks are inactive. Can’t complain with the rank I have, don’t really mind, doesn’t matter much.

  80. 1.ACP Name:
    2.ACP Rank: Colonel
    3.Amount of Medals: 31
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion: I am active, experienced and I am on Xat alot. I will tyr to get a higher rank. I have led one army to major but they only reached #10 and then fell. I want to become leader of ACP soon and lead them to being better than the best. THis is simply the next step.

  81. Billy6789
    idk but i am very low, i just began
    0 medals
    I deserve one because im a good boy,eat mah veggies, NEVER EVER EVER been on Santas Notty List and i should deserve one because i have been on cp almost a years now!

  82. Flipper 7706,
    I am now coming back from my retirement. :mrgreen: Short comment, lol.

  83. Yes.

    Follow-up question: Will I ever get one?

  84. 1.ACP Name: Sdsdd2 (
    2.ACP Rank: Corporal
    3.Amount of Medals: IDK
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    I have been as active as I can possibly be considering a soon have my 11+. I’ve also been patrolling alot, too.

  85. Bionclex
    Brigadier Gen
    I think about 25-35

    Because I try my best to go to every event D:

  86. Agent233
    Field Gen
    I am active I made more then 5 event of ACP battles/session (probably more then 7). Everytime I go on CP for fun I go on ACP servers so when Im having fun Im also patroling. I am on chat a lot too

  87. ACP Name: B Batman3[Kevin]
    ACP Rank: Major
    Amount of Medals:35
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:Yes, i patrol, attend events and im on chat a crap load

  88. 1.ACP Name: Zipyman
    2.ACP Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
    3.Amount of Medals: 40
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion:
    I have only missed 1 event due to being at my friends house. I am on chat most of the time and I recruit almost everyday aswell as I patrol.

  89. Name: Money Guy 6
    Rank: Corporal
    Medals: 28
    Why: Because we have been working hard and without us you wouldn’t have an army.

  90. ACP Name:Kerouaz
    ACP Rank:Captain
    Amount of Medals:20
    Why else do you deserve a promotion:I come to events and i have been active

  91. 1.ACP Name: Bttf2
    2.ACP Rank: Staff Sergeant
    3.Amount of Medals: 98
    4.Why else do you deserve a promotion
    I have recruted alot I tryed to come to most events(i got 2 medels) But i worked very hard getting new recruits and I hope we will stay number 1! I really tryed my best! My medals have increased alot since last time! I am very very brave and i never give up!

  92. AcpCommando
    Lieutenant Colonel I believe
    Medals 63
    Sorry for the late comment too much HW

  93. ACP Name: Icepeng4006
    ACP Rank: Colonel
    Amount of Medals: 35
    Why else do you deserve a promotion: I have recruited lots of people and im on chat most days, i try and go to every battle and i patrol 3 times a week. I have done this comment a bit late because i got taken of the ranks.

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