ACP Nation Flag

Hello ACP, you voted earlier to see what we should do with the ACP Nation Flag. The results are in, and the verdict is…


So here’s how it will work. We will have requirements for the flag contest. Pay close attention.

The dimensions will be 350 x 200 pixels. That’s 350 width and 200 height.

The flag must contain the following:

  • Dark green and gold background (exception to camoflauge)
  • Must contain “Democratic Republic Army of Club Penguin” or “DRACP”
  • Must have either the pin of the American flag, or your own logo.
  • Your flag must be creative.

This is optional: Your logo’s dimensions will be 100-150 x 100-150 pixels. The width and height must be the same.

You must make your logo seperate from your flag, and submit it as its own picture.

Your logo must contain the following:

  • A symbol that other people can know us by (like how my logo contained a snowball)
  • There can not be any lettering or text on the logo.
  • Your logo should be creative.

Submitting your flag and/or logo:

You must upload your flag and/or logo to either Imageshack or Photobucket, and then post them in a comment.

Boomer’s Edit: I’m going to suggest you email it since sometimes comments with links come up as spam.  I have already received a couple this way, so if you want to do that, send it HERE.

I will come back to you all later so we can vote on our new flag and logo. 😉

Have fun with it!


38 Responses

  1. Cool

  2. lol i hope the flag is good ill miss the good o’l flag 😦 promise me it wll be good

  3. Everyone will vote on it, it has to be good.

  4. This will be fun!

  5. Wow, Ankita I can not believe that you are that immature that you would unmod and unban me. Is it because I cheated on you you despise me so much? Grow up.

  6. 6th. Lols, cool!

  7. Heres my flag design – dunno if its that good but still

  8. Can I just E-mail It?

  9. I am gonna try

  10. Ok, time to go to school! Man I am tired though…

  11. ……
    This is only because no one accepted your gay flag Idea. I say we keep the original flag. Its apart of our History.
    – Znozeberry

  12. I was cancelled today boy I love Ohio 😀

  13. Hola! I’m gonna have a try at it 😆 but I think I’ll lose, who cares lol, I’m on a comp at a school, I had a half day but I didn’t go cause I had an doctor…. and then my dad had to run Basketball practice where I am now lol, just reporting active

    PS: I’ll do the flag later

  14. -Thomas0270, ACP major ( I’m gonna get a promo tomorrow x: IDK what my rank will be Major now!!!)

  15. 😡 * Sry wrong emote thing

  16. okay, thats my poor attempt at acp flag please comment if you like it 😀 xD

    Lt. General, Senator, Gamma state Governor and medal of honor holder


  17. i already submitted a few flags by email 😮 im gonna win!

  18. Not really sure if uploading to WordPress is allowed, but it here is anyway. It’s not great, I spent a bit of time on it but not too much.




    Boomer: I’ll copy them to my computer and upload them later.

  19. Would you please change ojso3 rank with J O S H 1 0
    someone hacked my penguin and banned him forever

  20. […] just commented something? capaay on Ranksojso3 on ACP Nation FlagAmon on JoinKid Robot on ACP Nation FlagMeat aka Seanehawk on WinnersFoxtails on The History of […]

  21. By: Dragon 720 🙂

  22. My logo

    By: Dragon 720:)

  23. Dragon, your logo is awesome!

  24. Yeah Dragon’s is sweet. That pixel art of the helmet and guitars looks awesome 😀

  25. Here is my entry. Is it okay if I use Servimg?


  26. wait, how do you create a flag, I mean what do you use?

  27. 😡 Wow,your making your troops make you a flag,the one that ogoal made is fine by how it is.

  28. You seem angry about it. They’re having a contest so we can have a NEW flag, they aren’t forcing us to do their work or anything.

  29. lol thanks guys 😀

  30. […] information on the ACP Nation Flag Contest, click HERE. The Flag Contest will end on […]

  31. I have good news. The marines are gone because of me. The story is to long though. But I have finished them.

  32. So… are we going to vote?

  33. i only did the flag 8) 😀

  34. i cant send it in an email tho, cos it wont let me 😦

Army of Club Penguin [ACP]: let us know what you're thinking!